Wednesday, February 6, 2013

So will they make it retroactive and prosecute Eric Holder?

Gun Control Bill With Bipartisan Support Unveiled In House
LATER: See also "Obama’s gutsy gun control push."
Let me be clear: I think compromise is crucial to getting new policy crafted, and if it turns out legislators can find common ground on a limited package of reforms, chief among them universal criminal background checks, I’d support that. Greg Sargent featured a fascinating interview with crucial GOP House Rep. Scott Rigell of Virginia, who represents a purple district that went for Obama in 2012. Rigell is teaming up with another Republican, Rep. Scott Meehan, along with Democrats Elijah Cummings and Carolyn McCarthy, to push legislation to crack down on gun trafficking designed to evade background checks. Rigell also says he is open to universal background checks, though he is undecided. “I certainly see the merits of that,” he told Sargent.


Anonymous said...

I do not like having to ask permission to exersize a right but believe that is coming. So why do background checks have to go through a ffl dealer? Why not let any seller call for a background check. I also believe that a paper trail is wanted for eventual confiscation.

David Forward said...

Hell no they won't make it retroactive to prosecute Holder. They're probably negotiating with Stockholm to get him a Noble Piece Prize like his Emperor in order to lift his status to "world class."

Later they will perch him on SCOTUS or one of the world courts....

Anonymous said...

To answer your question-

"So will they make it retroactive and prosecute Eric Holder?"

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!, Yeah, right."

F&F hearings are the equivalent of bread and circuses.
Nothing will come of it, except more evidence that "our" government is no longer "ours".

southcentralpa said...

I realize they have no respect for the Constitution, but ex post facto laws are unconstitutional ...

Anonymous said...

Something we've forgotten in this country is that retroactive (ex post facto) laws are illegal. Article 1 Section 9. So let's not advocate for it and merely let them swing for their present crimes!