Monday, February 25, 2013

E.J. Dionne's Premature Ejaculation on Gun Control.

Latest from the Lisping Liberal: "The Miracle on Guns."


Anonymous said...

I can easily seeing this writer - and tons of others of his ilk - telling us how reeducation camps (or worse) are "sensible" and "reasonable", "common sense" etc etc

Sean said...

Sounds just like it came off the pages of Pravda. "The Miracle of Socialism". Premature confession sounds more like it. As in a confession of a fervent collectivist wish.

Anonymous said...

E. J. doesn't know the meaning of "fierce determination" until the push comes to shove. I'm getting sick of the blame the NRA is receiving for standing up for the right of Americans.

And why the blame on innocent people? An object is misused by a miniscule portion of society, and the rest of us must pay a price even though the majority have never committed a crime of any kind? Backward thinking is obvious.

Anonymous said...

Same old smarmy attempt to justify yet another step toward tyranny. I have asked the hoplophobes before and will ask it yet again - which of the currently existing 20,000+ 'gun control'laws is not reasonable or common sense enough for them??? How about they push for strict enforcement of those laws first, maybe, just maybe that might have some effect rather than enacting more draconian laws - which will only be enforced against the currently law abiding Citizens and not the criminals.

Paul X said...

I responded with this:
I hope you're happy with the ensuing war, E.J. As a clueless proponent of violence against individuals who won't put up with being disarmed, you no doubt will be surprised and saddened and will probably try to shift all blame to others and take no responsibility yourself. We'll see how well that works.

Anonymous said...

We have a winner.
the cure for stupidity comes in a small brass cartridge.
Taking odds on # of dead Cons vs # of dead Progs.
I'm seeing 25 million dead Progressives and another 25 million Constitution haters deported with predjudice.
At 50 cents/round, it's a cheap cleanup of the Republic.