Monday, February 18, 2013

Dear Cheaper Than Dirt…

Trying to buy forgiveness.


Anonymous said...

During the .380 shortage a few years ago, CTD gouged the hell out of people, above and beyond what was even typical of them. Deathbed conversions I take with a grain of salt.
I still get CTD's catalog - only because they waste their own money printing it.

Anonymous said...

Yep; Ditto. My cold dead charge card...

Bear said...

$100,000, eh? Based on my experience with CTD, when I decided to cancel my credit card and never risk doing business with them again, all prior customers should keep a close eye on their own credit cards for mystery charges.

Dakota said...

We can all figure out who the assholes of the gun business are. I have a great gun shop here that I am never going to give another dime. They think that it is acceptable to charge and over charge others who are trying to defend their lives, fortunes, and families. In return they over charge those people. It is greed, it is unethical. Of course it is their fault that they did nothing until the last minute, doesn't give them the right to screw you either.

Anonymous said...

They can go fuck themselves. I don't come with a pricetag, you can't buy my forgiveness.

Besides, anyone who has been in firearms long enough knows that dealing with CTD was a shady proposition at best.

Anonymous said...

You guys aren't giving the ruthless and devious businessmen who run CTD enough credit. Stopping online firearms sales was never a PR stunt- it was an inventory control move. While CTD halted firearms sales, brick-and-mortar stores were selling out of their inventory. Once everything was snatched up, CTD conveniently began selling their carefully hoarded inventory at double or triple the price it was before. And since no one else had ARs or AKs in stock, they had all the business to themselves.

Scumbags? Yes. Anti-2A? Not quite.

Unknown said...

Have not purchased from them since they canceled an order for AK mags when the last gun ban craze broke out. They didnt cancel it because they didnt have them in stock. I had made the order before the hysteria started. They canceled it so they could resell the magazines at the inflated douchebag prices.