Sunday, September 2, 2012

"The myth of a democratic socialist society funded by capitalism is finished."

When democracy turns to tyranny, the armed citizen still gets to vote.
"You can . . . decide to debauch the currency which underwrites the market economy, or you can dispense with democracy."
What is being challenged is nothing less than the most basic premise of the politics of the centre ground: that you can have free market economics and a democratic socialist welfare system at the same time. The magic formula in which the wealth produced by the market economy is redistributed by the state – from those who produce it to those whom the government believes deserve it – has gone bust. The crash of 2008 exposed a devastating truth that went much deeper than the discovery of a generation of delinquent bankers, or a transitory property bubble. It has become apparent to anyone with a grip on economic reality that free markets simply cannot produce enough wealth to support the sort of universal entitlement programmes which the populations of democratic countries have been led to expect. The fantasy may be sustained for a while by the relentless production of phoney money to fund benefits and job-creation projects, until the economy is turned into a meaningless internal recycling mechanism in the style of the old Soviet Union.
Or else democratically elected governments can be replaced by puppet austerity regimes which are free to ignore the protests of the populace when they are deprived of their promised entitlements. You can, in other words, decide to debauch the currency which underwrites the market economy, or you can dispense with democracy. Both of these possible solutions are currently being tried in the European Union, whose leaders are reduced to talking sinister gibberish in order to evade the obvious conclusion: the myth of a democratic socialist society funded by capitalism is finished. This is the defining political problem of the early 21st century.
Janet Daley is correct, but I am not as optimistic as her that such a contradiction can be solved electorally. The collectivists, when faced with the checkmate of their appetites within the legal system, will simply resort to violence. We already see that in the Obamacare intolerable act -- "You will comply, or else."
We are not Europe, to be lorded over forever by a mandarin class of our "betters." For one thing, we have the means of resistance. The only question is, will enough of us have the will to use those arms when the collectivists' push comes to our shove. I think we will.


eddy3 said...

I think so to. I am amazed at the number of people I have spoken with that think along these lines. People from both "party's".

John Otis Comeau said...

Janet Daley may be correct about some of it, but her seeming endorsement of the Romney/Ryan ticket does not address the biggest "redistribution" scam of the US government, that of spending mostly-nonexistent "discretionary" money on the military-industrial complex. and Romney will certainly help bail out his banking buddies in the certain event of another too-big-to-fail player going belly-up.

Mt Top Patriot said...

Those who gorge at the trough of the productive have no intention of giving up neither their power nor their ill gotten riches. That is a given. If anything, as we of the productive ranks are subject to now know all to well, they will become ever more greedy, ever more fearful their power is waning, and increase their tyrannical behavior, no matter the consequences. You got to ask yourself the question if these sociopaths and psychopaths cared about the evil consequences of their actions, would they stop now?
Desperate despots do desperate things.
It's gonna be full blown Waco rules, Gunwalker rules, Ruby Ridge rules, and Oklahoma rules, and God only knows what else rules have occurred and are pre-staged ready for the perfect crisis as a means, because those rules where just a taste of what these maniacs will do to secure their needs, Waco rules on nitro-methane.

You watch, it is all going to come down to guns with a vengeance. It will revolve about the guns we the people bear. These means of defense of our Liberty can not be tolerated by the mandarin's and their leviathan. Those guns in the hands of we of the people is an existential threat to them that has no equal. Nothing, nothing on God's green earth within this Constitutional Republic, nor outside it's borders, represents a greater threat. They know without a glimmer of a doubt when it comes down to an aroused pissed of collection of bitter bible clinging, armed white domestic terrorists coming with a bone in their teeth, they don't stand a snowball's chance in hell of stopping them.
That's the cold hard truth.
Anything less is bullshit.

Anonymous said...

I think so to........just a short response on the way to the range

indyjones said...

The infamous 3rd way. And for the ruling class this is the preferred road. Crony capitalists at the top and useless as tits on a bull lower classes benefit at "no cost to me". The brain dead ruling class needs to understand this is not sustainable. What is not sustainable will end and with dire consequences for the top and bottom of the scheme.

Anonymous said...

No indeed we are not Europe. I find it ironic that my ancestor's came to these shore's 200 plus year's ago to escape the very same people now lording over the impotent blob's of protoplasm currently claiming to be " Representative's of the People ". These scum sucking pig's only accomplishment in the last 4 administration's has been the impoverishment and enslavement of their fellow countrymen !. What a legacy they leave to future generation's !.Know this ye who would be King's and Slavemaster's of America ; every - EVERY !, congressional vote cast that has brought about the rape and destruction of this nation has been recorded. Someday a true history of how a once just and proud land of hope was destroyed , and who was responsible will be written. " That which was done in secret will be shouted from the rooftop's ". God damn them and all their kind for what they have done to this great nation and it's good people.

Anonymous said...

Fiat Money is NOT - I repeat, NOT - free market money.

The free market chooses inelastic, commodity currencies (gold, et al), while it is the COLLECTIVISTS who favor an elastic currency to increase the power of the state.

(By the way, inelastic currencies fund imperialism. That was for the Marxists reading this.)

The economic crises: booms and busts, generally increasing health care, education, and housing costs, are not natural.

They are the result of a collectivist monetary policy - held by both the Left and the Right - together with collectivist (to include Corporatist) central planning of the economy.

Find out more at these links:

Gold versus Discretion: Ron Paul Debates Charles Partee
(A debate with a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in 1983; He predicted the crash of 1987 in this debate)

Ron Paul: "This real-estate bubble will burst, as all bubbles do" (part 3)
(He called the recent housing crash in 2001)

Ron Paul Calls the Housing Collapse in 2003

Peter Schiff Was Right 2006 - 2007 (2nd Edition)

Smashing Myths and Restoring Sound Money | Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Why You've Never Heard of the Great Depression of 1920 | Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Neoconservative David Frum Hearts the Fed

Is Budget Austerity Modern-Day Hooverism?
(Answer: No; Because Hoover was actually an interventionist.)

Why Ron Paul Admires Ludwig von Mises

Anonymous said...

It is come time for us old Guys and Gals who stood by Lotus eating as this mess developed over the last forty years stepped up and resolved the problem before it is passed on to our heirs.

Remember it has all hapened before and the cure is well known - in fact the Founding Fathers did their utmost to ensure that we have the necessary tools when the time arrives.

'Now's the day, an now's the hour:
See the front o battle lour,
See approach proud Edward's power -
Chains and Slaverie.

'By Oppression's woes and pains,
By your sons in servile chains!
We will drain our dearest veins,
But they shall be free.


Anonymous said...

Just unseal the writ and point me to the target.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

Hint: The wealth has run out!

Fiat currency is not wealth - it is not even suitable as ass-wipes and therefore of no value.

Slight correction - the wealth has not run out just those that create it are now more determined to hold on to it for them and their family's benefit.


Seremzh said...

Democratic Socialism funded by Capitalism is just good old fashioned Fascism.

Today's democratic socialism is just as big on war mongering (military spending and military adventures have increased by 50% since Bush left office), just as big on Crony Capitalism (instead of Krupp Industries and Rhinemetal it's Solyndra and Goldman Sachs) and is just as big as wiping out "enemies of the people" (instead of Jews it is the conservative and largely christian constitutionalists).

The only difference is that today's fascists have a crappy dress style and don't wave the flag as much.

Anonymous said...


That should say, "ELASTIC currencies fund imperialism."


Happy D said...

Before anyone else starts spouting the Liberal-Quisling line about the "military-industrial complex" go find a copy of the original Eisenhower speech and watch it, or better yet read the transcript, or best yet read the transcript while listening to the speech!
Then go to YouTube and find a copy of Bill Whittle's Declaration Entertainment Firewall videos "The Vote Pump" and "The Dependency Agenda" and watch them.

After you pull your head out of the sand.

Stop repeating this "military-industrial complex" LIE like some demented parrot!
When you internalize their lies you help perpetuate their crimes.
And you should not be surprised when you get their results or even join them.

The vast majority of the debt 90% plus is the result of the welfare state. The rest is pork barrel spending, old fashioned corruption, and mismanagement.

Honestly Yours,
Superior nuisance, Happy D.

Anonymous said...

You said " The collectivists, when faced with the checkmate of their appetites within the legal system, will simply resort to violence."

That is the extent of their limited thinking - reaction. This will serve us well in the future.

Get well!!

Pat H. said...

I've stated something akin to this.

The 100 year experiment with progressive/fascism that began in earnest with Teddy Roosevelt and continues almost unbroken to what we have today, is OVER.

It has been a dangerous, destructive, failure of immense proportions, responsible for the deaths of millions here and in foreign nations.

We will bring the experiment to a close.