Thursday, October 13, 2011

Lost in a corn maze and demonstrating their availability as candidates for the "Zombie Apocalypse."

My son sent me this link with the observation:

"I saw this yesterday and thought it was a joke. You have to have a comment on this for the Blog. What did hipster morons do before cellphones? Die off?"


Female III said...

Now I understand why disaster/horror movie directors always let this kind get eaten or take a bullet between the eyes during the first scene. Once in awhile Hollywood gets it right.

Toaster 802 said...

And remember, they are breeding.

Ashrak said...

Toaster 802, worse yet......

they vote.

Sgt Survival said...

Where's Malachi when you need him? He Who Walks Behind The Rows will not be pleased.

FatCatNot said...

These people walk among us! And they are allowed to vote.

Anonymous said...

This is why a B movie like Idiocracy is scary...

Anonymous said...

In the wild, these people are known locally as, "lunch."

Longbow said...

The political LEFT wants us all reduced to this:

"I feel helpless and I want Big Daddy to come save me!"

Robert Fowler said...

Some of the comments are hilarious. Morons doesn't even begin to describe these two.

Anonymous said...

cull the herd

Whizbanger said...

I am still not sure it's not a hoax. If these folks are truly fundamentally this helpless i can't imagine they would pose much competition when the hammer falls. On the other hand, they will be more desperate, far quicker than most folks. Stupidity makes you do dumb things. Could easily happen, google the "Carrington Event" and think GPS, Cell Phones Power Grid.....

Anonymous said...

please please please do not imbed vid's that are on autoplay to a commercial.

BrianF said...

I always wondered where those bones came from following harvest. Now I know.

Sigmund Schadenfreude said...

Just to add another perspective - regardless of this family and the questionable wisdom of taking an infant into the maze to begin with, I would think / hope that the owner or operator of the maze would make a sweep of it before dark-fall to check on any lost, strayed or incapacitated walkers, primarily children who may have become separated from their group.

Citizen of a Differ'nt State said...

Next up in the Triathlon of Lame is punching one's way out of a paper bag, followed by pouring piss out of a boot.
That last event has a bit of a cheat; the instructions are on the heel.

Carl-Bear said...

Ashrak said...
Toaster 802, worse yet......
they vote.

Assuming they can find their way to a polling station

Anonymous said...

Toaster, they *are* breeding. But how did they figure out how?

Anonymous said...

Even the dumbest of animals can sense this evolving weakness and are beginning to turn to humans as a viable source of protein .

Anonymous said...

The following letter to the editor by Lawrence A. Bullis, origionally published in the Arizona Republic, appeared in issure number 49 of View from the Ledge, a magazine published by Chuck Shephard in St. Petersburg, Florida. Bullis lives in Phoenix.


Every day some new do-gooder is trying to save us from ourselves. We have so many laws and safety commissions to ensure our safety that it seems nearly impossible to have an accident. The problem is that we need acidents, and lots of them.

Danger is nature’s way of eliminating stupid people. Without safety, stupid people die in accidents. Since the dead don’t reproduce, our species becomes progressively more intelligent (or at least less stupid).

With safety, however well-intentioned it may be, we are devolving into half-witted mutants, because idiots, who by all rights should be dead, are spared from their rightful early graves and are free to breed even more imbeciles.

Let’s do away with safety and improve our species. Take up smoking. Jaywalk. Play with blasting caps. Swim right after a big meal. Stick something small in your ear. Take your choice of dangerous activity and do it with gusto. Future generations will thank you.

Harper’s Magazine / November 1994

Chase said...

Seriously? If all else fails, just keep your hand on the left wall of the maze. Or the right wall if you prefer. You'll get out eventually.

Stang said...

Can't they just walk through the corn?

Abdul Anonymous said...

Admit it - someone out there thought it would be great fun to put on a crazed, Jack Nicholson expression and pop through the corn row beside the hapless travelers...

Anonymous said...

These people are not food for the Zombies THEY ARE THE ZOMBIES!
They are the first to become infected with 'itis.


Sean said...

I think the guy in the Edge said it all. They die of shame. They die from being unable to do the one thing that will save them. It's why women think stopping and asking for directions is a good idea. Instead of skulling it out, depend on the kindness of strangers. Whatever you do, don't exercise that brain. You'll come to depend on it.