"Dammit, how did the White House get itself in this jam? Where's Batman when you need him?"
CBS News has learned the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Patrick Leahy,D-Vt., is planning to schedule an oversight hearing with Attorney General Eric Holder.
Right. Don't expect a vigorous cross examination in THAT venue.
Leahy says, "I share the President's confidence in Attorney General Holder. He has continued to demonstrate his strong commitment to tough law enforcement, transparency and integrity."
Wow... just... wow
Leahy must really be looking forward to retirement. Statements like that are sure to be held against him come election time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of his and would prefer if he didn't get back in after the next election, I just didn't realize he felt the same way.
I smell a rat in this whole business of Leahy holding Project Gunwalker hearings. Expect to hear a lot about Operation Wide Receiver and "Bush did it, too."
A "Fast and Furious hearing with Holder"? Isn't that kinda like a Sharon Tate murder investigation with Charles Manson?
Leahy was asked to do this to neutralize the investigation by Darrell Issa. Issa will find Holder guilty and Leahy will find him innocent! They will balance and that will be the end of it!
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