Tuesday, October 11, 2011

'Fast and Furious' shows Team Obama's contempt for real reporters and press.

White House favors bended-knee journalism at places like NBC News.


Ashrak said...

As CBS begins to receive "praise" for reporting on the GunWalker Scandal, it sure would be nice if it went one step forward and "praise" was given to the real "reporters" who refused to stand down this story in New Media (which is why Old Media picked it up in the first place).

Oh, and a wee bit of "praise" is due on the WhistleBlower front as well.

I am not saying CBS and Sharyl aren't due, both are, but neither of those examples are due the most, not by a long shot.

Imho, the first ones to thank are the whistleblowers themselves. Next in line come those who heard the whistles and actually listened to them first. I agree Sharyl is right there in that mix, but I can think of a couple other fellas who have earned that "praise" above and beyond.....

Anonymous said...

Gunwalker: GOP Hopefuls Weigh In
Bachmann calls on Holder to resign. Romney dodges.