Sunday, October 16, 2011

Buyer's remorse.

The Exasperation of the Democratic Billionaire. Poor baby.


rexxhead said...

"Barack Obama doesn't seem to care for individuals, elaborates Mr. Zuckerman"

Why would he? Why might someone as [rich and] smart as Zuckerman think BHO would? Answer: Zuckerman, like so many of his fellow Americans, thinks of politics as a line stretching between left and right. This false image distorts everything to the point that one can no longer even form a meaningful question.

The real battle in politics, the only one worth fighting, is between collectivists and individualists.

For collectivists, the state is everything; people are nothing. This is why BHO "doesn't seem to care for individuals".

Alas, it's not just BHO that's a collectivist. Both major parties are chock full of 'em.

Can the fight be won? The question is meaningless. The fight MUST be won.

Anonymous said...

So another whining pastrami-commie has had his bubble burst. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the unwashed mob of OWS could eventually end up at his front door. Let's hope they also show up at Gracie Mansion for the Marxist midget, Bloomberg.

Mt Top Patriot said...

What did this idiot think was going to happen?

But, I'm repeating myself.

I don't have 2 dimes to rub together 3 hours after I cash my paycheck, with no idea if there will be a next one, but I have no trouble understanding
the shit is going to hit the fan. And more importantly why by whom for what reasons.
I guess money is no substitute for patriotism and Liberty.

With this kind of wealth, and the power of privilege it brings in today's elitist structure, he craps
this kind of bullshit out his upper piehole, like he had no idea?
A pitch perfect ruling class tyrant.
Our self appointed superiors.
Sure has worked out great.
Wonder if in this assholes heart of hearts he realizes just how responsible he truly is for the disaster he is
complicit in creating and the tyrants he bankrolls who perpetrate the tyranny breathing down our necks.
Not that I have sympathy.
I just hope when he meets his maker the just rewards he receives are commiserate with the destruction and
turmoil he has had a hand in perpetrating.

Anonymous said...

The original interview was filmed about 25 years ago.