Wednesday, February 9, 2011

FINALLY, we know what the antis are talking about when they say "high-capacity clips."

A deep genuflection and tip of the boonie hat to Irregular Brian for this discovery:

"I know you’re busy working on the ATF idiocy, but I found the high capacity clip that they’re talking about on TV. -- Brian"


Nicholas Dixon said...

Is that what they want to ban? Please do so.

Those are only useful for random slaughter of civilians, so they should only be used by the police.

Anonymous said...

That's what we call an en-bloc drum.

PKL said...

I saw one report that claimed that "High-caliber magazine clips" should be banned. Ah, here it is: Source:

My reply was:
""high-caliber magazine clips" he says? Is the author joking?

First the "high-caliber" part: Define that please. Is 5.56mm considered too wide? I think it's puny. What about 12.7mm? It's bigger for sure... but it's still nowhere near as big as you can get... I think the 20mm Lahti might be considered "high-caliber"...

[I can't picture anyone trying to go Rambo with a Lahti...]

What about the big contradiction here, the so-called "magazine clips"? I think he was trying to refer to a detachable magazine. A clip is quite different. A clip is actually a type of metal clip that holds rounds by the rear end leaving the front ends exposed. The magazine is a spring-loaded chamber which fully encloses the ammo. It is often detachable, but sometimes integral with the weapon. Clips are used to load integral magazines except the tubular type."

Keep in mind I had to explain this to a moron, so it's way dumbed down.

Anonymous said...

Be carefull what you wish for. We may find out exactly how much of the ill informed public believes that photo is for real.


Anonymous said...

"Those are only useful for random slaughter of civilians, so they should only be used by the police."

Pure Gold.


Alvie D. Zane said...

Whoa! Some competition for the Gigazine!

Steve said...

"That's what we call an en-bloc drum."


Dedicated_Dad said...

Arctic Patriot said...
"Nicholas Dixon said...
'...Those are only useful for random slaughter of civilians, so they should only be used by the police.'

Pure Gold."

Yes indeed.

Consider that one stolen...