My thanks to Kurt Hofmann for bringing my attention to this puke. Two of his articles:
First, "Shoot first, ask questions never."
Wherein he posits the remarkable thesis: "The NRA is responsible for fomenting much of the gun violence found in the US."
And second, "NRA: It's good to live like a king."

His bio on Huffington Post.
Cliff Schecter is an author, pundit and public relations strategist whose firm Libertas, LLC handles media relations for political, corporate and non-profit clients. . . . As founder and President of Libertas, he has counseled Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), Chaired by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and The Alliance For Climate Protection, run by former Vice-President Al Gore. Other clients have included IBM, The American Association for Justice (previously The American Trial Lawyers Association), Global Strategy Group, Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC, and the Earth Day Network.
Schecter was an analyst at polling firm Penn & Schoen in 1996, helping re-elect President Bill Clinton. As a political and media strategist overall, he has helped advise the Democratic National Committee and Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, as well as the campaigns of former Virginia Governor and current U.S. Senator Mark Warner, former New York Attorney General and Governor Elliot Spitzer, former Connecticut Democratic Senate nominee Ned Lamont and former Ohio Congressional candidate Paul Hackett, among others. Schecter’s been a lecturer for the U.S. State Department—delivering briefings on U.S. politics to diplomats, journalists and academics in countries such as South Africa, Australia, Romania and Malta.
Schecter is a weekly columnist for Al Jazeera English, reaching almost 400,000 readers, 80% of which reside in North America. He is a contributor to The Guardian Online and Huffington Post. Previously, Schecter had columns syndicated nationally by United Press International and Knight Ridder Inc. His writing has been featured in the San Francisco Chronicle, Philadelphia Daily News, Miami Herald, USA Today, American Prospect, Salon.com and Washington Monthly Magazine. His ideas have been quoted in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Baltimore Sun, and he’s been profiled in U.S News & World Report, Wired.com and the Huffington Post.
Over the past decade, Schecter has been a regular guest on PBS, MSNBC, CNN FoxNews, BBC and NPR. He was an on-air political analyst for the Sinclair Broadcast Network in 2004, syndicated on 60 local broadcast-news affiliates to 38 media markets around the country. He served in a similar capacity for Al Jazeera in 2008, with his analysis reaching countries spanning the globe. Currently he is a regular panelist on Your Voice, a Sunday morning public affairs show broadcast on Fox and ABC in the Columbus, Ohio area.
Schecter is a graduate of the Columbia School of International and Public Affairs (MA), where he concentrated in International Journalism and Public Relations, the University of Pennsylvania (BA), where he studied American History and Legal Studies, and the Institut de Francais, where he received a French Immersion Certificate. He is ABD (all but dissertation) in his studies for his Ph.D. in American History from American University in Washington, D.C.
The appearance of an American collectivist selling citizen disarmament by way of outrageous lies and half-truths on a network known for anti-Semitic and anti-American propaganda is not as counter intuitive as some might think. First, collectivists are nothing if not opportunistic and this could be a savvy move to break into a new market. Second, don't ever expect collectivists to have firm principles if doing so is to their disadvantage. Ever hear of the Hitler-Stalin Pact?

The NRA is responsible for fomenting much of the gun violence found in the US.
Pure comedic gold. I'll take some serious convincing before I believe that the NRA could muster enough testicle to "foment" its way out of a paper bag.
It's ironic that his company's name is Libertas.
And the list grows on...
wv: "fermin"
Just one letter off. Or maybe a contraction.
And he forgot knives. Yes folks, those nasty people at Knife Rights Inc. are responsible for stabbings.
And baseball is responsible for bat beatings...
If you would like to respond to Mr. Schecter, he can be reached at "Libertas", LLC, cliffschecter@gmail.com.
an Alabama militiaman who advocated breaking the windows at Democratic headquarters' around the country......:)
Those two articles are a prime example of the progressive/fascist Big Lie technique.
Also, imagine my surprise at seeing a Jewish progressive/fascist gun confiscator writing for Aljazerra.
Michael Douglas, UN disarmament ambassador, is doing an intro for the Super Bowl, talking about the two great teams representing this great nation.
I may be ill.
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