Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lies, Damn Lies and so-called "Journalists": another Fairy Tale from a Grimm

Lies, Damn Lies and so-called "Journalists": another Fairy Tale from a Grimm

Fred Grimm, resident anti-firearm zealot at the Miami Herald has laid another lying turd upon the 'journalism" world entitled "What a blast! Holiday fun at the gun show" which you can find here.

Well, you know me. I had to write him back. And his editor, and the letters to the editor lady, and the assistant editor, etc. Anyway, here is my reply:

Brother Grimm:

You claim: "Gun shows also offer a decided shopping advantage over gun stores. Gun-show vendors aren't required to run the background checks meant to bar felons and lunatics. Thanks to gun shows, felons and lunatics also have a shot at holiday weaponry."

This is a damn lie and if your eyes were truly open at the show you would have seen every licensed dealer filling out paperwork and calling in the background checks. The only people who were not doing so were private collectors, selling to other private persons within the state.

Let me explain. The legal basis for all gun control laws is the Interstate Commerce Clause of the Constitution. Get it? INTERstate? Not INTRAstate. In fact, almost all private sellers these days get ID from their buyers in order to protect themselves, i.e. to make sure the buyer has ID, is a resident of the state, that they sign a bill of sale, etc. In addition, many private sales are refused because the buyer, even after ID verification, does not meet the "smell test."

What you apparently object to is that the Feds have not yet seized control over the entire private sales of arms, regardless of the legal fig leaf required to do so.

This is just the sort of ends-justify-the-means we have come to expect from lefties like you, our new president and the socialists who surround him.

And you wonder why we don't believe you and are buying firearms as fast as we can afford them? Think about it. Are we buying these firearms just to turn them in later on in the next "Assault Weapons Ban?"

I don't think so. And if you do, you're buying into your own fairy tale, Brother Grimm.

Mike Vanderboegh

PO Box 926

Pinson, AL 35126


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