In the end, of course, the United States is still a republic, and not a democracy in which 51% of the electorate could vote away the rights of the other 49% (or even 99%, against the rights of the other 1%). Our Constitutionally guaranteed, fundamental human right of the individual to keep and bear arms is not contingent on that right's ability to win a popularity contest. Still, the more people who will not tolerate forcible citizen disarmament, the fewer who will need to be killed in order to stop it.
Perhaps if we make the poll question long enough and confusing enough people will just hang up the phone, so "Dumbbells Against..Whatever" can get their desired outcome..
"In the end, of course, the United States is still a republic, and not a democracy..."
Republic, democracy, what's the difference? The oligarchy is still running the show in either case. I cannot understand the desire by some to put a more acceptable label on the condition of their slavery. It's makeup on a pig.
As to polls, I thought their whole point was to form, not to record, public opinion. Just another tool for the tyrants. I don't give a rat's ass what my neighbor thinks about RKBA.
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