Thursday, December 4, 2014

"Scared White Idiots Buy Guns."

Well, I never realized that my problem was not reading enough "complicated books." You’re a scared white person, almost certainly male. You do not live in a major city, or near a university or intellectual hub of any note, nor have you ever traveled very far from your home town, much less out of state or anywhere further than, say, Mexico. Once. And that was enough. You do not read complicated books. You do not like new or weird things. You watch lots of TV, mostly Fox News, which rejoices in showing you endless images of angry foreigners and minorities in pain: tear gas explosions, fights in the streets, looting, this time involving sad, small-town black people in Ferguson, all of them protesting the acquittal of that murderous white cop.
Also from Herschel Smith: Save The Butterflies And Birds: Buy Guns


rexxhead said...

I'm a worried white person, and, yes, male. I have an MBA from a college whose name you would recognize. I'm in MENSA, the international high-IQ society. I have had a successful career at IBM and several other well-known companies.

Most of the TV I watch consists of BBC, PBS, and The History Channel. I almost never watch Fox unless Stossel is on.

I've been to London, Paris (4 times), Vienna, Salzburg, Budapest, Prague, Munich, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Oslo, and Bergen and the environs for all those places.

Most of that is also true for my wife, and we BOTH buy guns. Much of that is also true for my three college-educated daughters, and they ALL buy guns.

I think only self-important idiots write articles accusing others of being scared white idiots.

Kent McManigal said...

It's called "projection".

Anonymous said...

yup, this guy knows everything about me. I'm female, live in a rural/suburban area, watch almost no TV, find FOX almost as distorting as MSNBC and read stupid things, like books by Brezinski, The Committee of 300 and Club of Rome white papers. Not to mention the Federalist Papers and Lysander Spooner...What a self absorbed ass-hat!!! The big difference between me and him? - He's totally brainwashed and I'm not!!!

Anonymous said...

Apparently this "boy" just LOVES to paint with a broad brush. And I thought that us white male conservatives were supposed to be racist biased. He's got us beat by ten city blocks.
I would just LOVE to have a public one-on-one conversation with this pinhead. I'd make his vacuum head 'splode, as I fit NONE of his meme talking points.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

Marky-Mark lives in his own little ignorant bubble of stupidity.

It will be a rude awakening for him when it pops.

Paul X said...

I guess I will trade all my guns in so I can get some "complicated books". I sure don't want to be stereotyped. (snicker)

Does it help that I have a degree in Physics (BA only, my bad), worked as an engineer all my life including a year in Paris, and am married to a woman entrepreneur from Hong Kong? Work trips to places like Israel and Libya and Spain and Germany? Oh, and that I hate Faux News and have never been and never will be a "conservative" (whatever that means)?