Thursday, December 4, 2014

Oh, the irony. Black Crime Claims Life of SPLC's Apologist for Black Crime.

For tis the sport to have the engineer
Hoist with his owne petard.
-- Hamlet.
This is the world the Southern Poverty Law Center hath wrought: Comments about killing are scarier than killing itself.


Anonymous said...

Irony or stupidity?

Anonymous said...

Its about time the loonies of the Progressive movement finally becoming the very PUBLIC victims of their drive to make crime the new everday fact of life for other Americans. they are none too derserving of finally paying the price for their mental illness foisted on us.

Sign me, Neal Jensen

Anonymous said...

Justice delayed is justice denied. It's good to see a leftist puke get a taste of the real world he helped create.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that his passing will cause Potok et al. to contemplate their stance on gun control and other issues.


One can dream.

Anonymous said...

It's always amazed me how some people think that they're immune to something just because they hold certain political this case, Ruenzel never considering that he was capable of ever falling prey to black violence, simply because he railed against the "white privilege" which "keeps da blaaack maaan doooownn"...
Karma is a real bitch..
Of course, the Left will just blame Ruenzel's death on those darn guns...

Anonymous said...

So, God does hear my prayers...This is REAL social Darwinism. If a human is too stupid to understand a threat when he/she sees it, and do something to save their life before a deadly attack happens, then nature will weed out the misfits.

Jimmy the Saint said...

Quoth Nelson Muntz: HA-ha!

Anonymous said...

I particularly enjoyed the illustration of someone apparently engaged in autoeroticism, while a fused bomb sizzles beneath.

It certainly explains when white liberals get assaulted, or worse, for entering no-go areas, where nobody is safe, the expected becomes an unpleasant surprise to them.

They are doing something unpleasant to themselves, if they believe otherwise. Such is the real world, and their failure to connect to it.

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to investigate the particulars of said apologist's death.

All sorts of things might be discovered.

Perhaps his murderer was not who it seems, and the locality in which the murder was done was a necessary piece of theater.

Possibly. Never can tell.