So says Herschel Smith and he goes on in a vein that I certainly won't dispute:
As for Gottlieb, I always knew that the “stupid” act he played after support of Manchin-Toomey was a ruse. He has a deep character flaw that enables him to support totalitarian measures. We all have our flaws, but this one runs deep and dangerous. In fact, read again his excuse for supporting universal background checks. Basically it boils down to this: if you don’t voluntarily agree to it, they will do it anyway. Or by way of analogy, if you don’t give a pick pocket your money, he’s just going to take it anyway.
Someone please try to convince me that isn’t what he is saying, because it looks to me like it is. And that’s puerile and childish reasoning, and in this case I think he advances it not because he really believes that it is logically compelling, but because he is frightened, or a publicity hound, or something dark. As I said, I don’t know exactly what, but the character flaw runs deep in Alan.
Creeping encroachment legislation will never go away because the gun grabbers have no respect for the Constitution and obviously believe they will be immune from any consequences of passing such legislation.
If one assumes that NSA has monitored all electronic communication over the last 15 years, and one further assumes that all significant public opponents of the present regime have had those records scrutinized for vulnerability, then the question is, are there embarrassing or criminal offences that NSA knows about?
Gottlieb will be laughing all the way to the bank when I-594 passes, his I-591 campaign because of the I-594 campaign has been a big money maker for him and after I-594 passes he will continue to rake in the cash.
His I-591 strategy was the same one employed by Custer at Little Big Horn, split your forces. It will give us the same results too! But again Gottlieb will be laughing all the way to the bank, won't he!
I don't have any problem with the idea of extending background checks to private transfers. I won't sell a firearm to someone who doesn't have a handgun permit, because the permit lets me know he's passed a background check.
But the proposals in play don't extend background checks to private transfers, they outlaw private transfers entirely.
And that's more than a minor difference.
If I am required to go through a third party, and to create a government-accessible paper trail on any transfer, then it's not a private transfer.
And if we allow a requirement that there be a paper trail on all firearms transfers, we will have reversed the presumption of innocence, with regard to firearms ownership.
And that's a huge deal.
It means that simple possession of a firearm will be illegal, unless the proper paper trail exists. And that every gun owner is presumed to be a criminal, unless the proper paperwork is on file.
And that's something we simply cannot allow.
The NRA has been accused of being a sell-out, many times over the years. But generally, it's sell-outs have left us in less-bad situations than we otherwise would have been. The NRA supported the ban on "cop-killer" bullets, with language that limited its effects to a fairly obscure, metal-cored rounds. The language prior to the NRA's involvement would have banned all centerfire rifle rounds. The NRA supported the NICS check, with the provision that the waiting period would be temporary, after an instant check system was fielded. Even as far back as 1934, the NRA backed the National Firearms Act, outlawing full-auto weapons, after the provision removing handguns was removed.
These sorts of "sell-outs" are necessary, when you're playing defense. And Gottlieb may be looking at exactly that sort of thing. There is widespread support for "universal checks", but universal checks done wrong could be a disaster for the future of firearms rights. He may be thinking that by getting involved in the process, he can push the "universal" background check into something that does not make a criminal out of simple possession.
Why play defense anymore? It's a false premise that dooms us forever / conning us into believing there is no alternative. We can and SHOULD go on OFFENSE as a means of defending ourselves.
What? We cannot punch? We can only counter punch? We must wait until grabbers come up with wet dream gun control bills and then settle for "less bad"? Screw that! Oppose gun control - turn your backs on the "gun rights lobby". The ONLY thing they do is defend their own job security by conning innocent folks into believing they must submit to "less bad" endlessly.
That's the same NRA screed they've been pumping out for too many years.. All they did was make back room deals to give up things that were already ours by default and lie about the results .. You NEVER surrender anything you own.. family, land, guns..
you rationalize you actions based on the chosen premise that rights and property are actually privileges. that presumption rests on a deeper presumption, which is that we are serfs begging our overlords not to make things worse. so, if that characterizes you position, more or less, then what do you really believe, and what are you doing here?
Anyone who thinks background checks will save lives is either a useful idiot or is playing at advancing hidden agenda.
Anyone who cannot see that the hidden agenda behind "universal background checks" is registration, is a moron.
Jared Lee Loughner, James Holmes, and Elliot Rodger all passed theirs, just to name a few examples,and it did their victims little good.
Background checks are a fruitless burden on the excersize of our fundamental rights, more of the same failed public safety agenda of "gun control" that is ultimately and historically proven to be more useful at developing a lopsided monopoly on the use of force for those who make the laws.
Such gov't monopolies have enabled some of the most heinous crimes against humanity in modern times, to acquiesce and "play defense" in Pyhrric victory after Pyhrric victory is delusional when your victories leave you with nothing but ashes in the oven.
The FACTS are that the grabbers are simply trying to get something, another little piece of what they have already pretty much desecrated from being a recognized right that shall not be infringed, to a gov't administered privilege.
And they want to take that privilege now too.
Go ahead, play by their rules and one day your little carry permit hall pass will be worthless just like the meaning of the second amendment is today.
.... and as for Gottleib: with "friends" like these, who the heck needs enemies?
I for one will support -no- so-called 2a rights group that compromises their principles for a little reprieve today.
The logic of the situation we are in defines why-
These people will not stop until the Second Amendment itself is rescinded and PRIVATE CITIZENS ARE DISARMED.
They can try to deny this FACT all they want, but there are many more then just a few examples to prove the contrary.
So, if you lay down and "compromise" today, you can rest assured they'll be back the next time some maniac goes off, and its "time" again for collective punishment- for everyone else who had nothing to do with the crime to pay the price by having their rights infringed.
Reasonably, of course.
What part of this do my fellow patriotic Americans fail to understand?
How are there people -even on this blog- who just -fail- to grasp this at this juncture?
We don't need you proudly bragging about how you demand to see someone else's proof of fealty to what this gov't calls "law" before you'll sell them your property. Its your property, you do as you please with it.
But we really could care less.
Because we know that what we really need right now- ARE PEOPLE WILLING TO BREAK ODIOUS AND TYRANNICAL "LAWS".
Gottlieb is just another American Jew who never learned from history, i.e.,the NAZI holocaust.
What IS it with these American Jews ? They seem to hate Freedom and the means to protect it.
Boxer, Schumer, Feintstein, Levin and others. Maybe when their carcasses are swinging from a lamp post they'll then realize what scoundrel against Freedom they were.
I think Gottlieb is just like those dorks at NRA. They all love wheeling and dealing in the halls of power, and they have convinced themselves that baloney-slicing is the best we can hope for, even if the baloney eventually gets used up. When the revolution gets going, he and his NRA compatriots will be nowhere to be found.
Creeping encroachment legislation will never go away because the gun grabbers have no respect for the Constitution and obviously believe they will be immune from any consequences of passing such legislation.
If one assumes that NSA has monitored all electronic communication over the last 15 years, and one further assumes that all significant public opponents of the present regime have had those records scrutinized for vulnerability, then the question is, are there embarrassing or criminal offences that NSA knows about?
This is the exact same logic that the NRA uses, so by extension, he is saying that he wants to be the NRA.
I'm not quite sure what's the matter with him but there is something wrong and most people can see it, unlike the NRA.
Gottlieb will be laughing all the way to the bank when I-594 passes, his I-591 campaign because of the I-594 campaign has been a big money maker for him and after I-594 passes he will continue to rake in the cash.
His I-591 strategy was the same one employed by Custer at Little Big Horn, split your forces. It will give us the same results too! But again Gottlieb will be laughing all the way to the bank, won't he!
I don't have any problem with the idea of extending background checks to private transfers. I won't sell a firearm to someone who doesn't have a handgun permit, because the permit lets me know he's passed a background check.
But the proposals in play don't extend background checks to private transfers, they outlaw private transfers entirely.
And that's more than a minor difference.
If I am required to go through a third party, and to create a government-accessible paper trail on any transfer, then it's not a private transfer.
And if we allow a requirement that there be a paper trail on all firearms transfers, we will have reversed the presumption of innocence, with regard to firearms ownership.
And that's a huge deal.
It means that simple possession of a firearm will be illegal, unless the proper paper trail exists. And that every gun owner is presumed to be a criminal, unless the proper paperwork is on file.
And that's something we simply cannot allow.
The NRA has been accused of being a sell-out, many times over the years. But generally, it's sell-outs have left us in less-bad situations than we otherwise would have been. The NRA supported the ban on "cop-killer" bullets, with language that limited its effects to a fairly obscure, metal-cored rounds. The language prior to the NRA's involvement would have banned all centerfire rifle rounds. The NRA supported the NICS check, with the provision that the waiting period would be temporary, after an instant check system was fielded. Even as far back as 1934, the NRA backed the National Firearms Act, outlawing full-auto weapons, after the provision removing handguns was removed.
These sorts of "sell-outs" are necessary, when you're playing defense. And Gottlieb may be looking at exactly that sort of thing. There is widespread support for "universal checks", but universal checks done wrong could be a disaster for the future of firearms rights. He may be thinking that by getting involved in the process, he can push the "universal" background check into something that does not make a criminal out of simple possession.
Why play defense anymore? It's a false premise that dooms us forever / conning us into believing there is no alternative. We can and SHOULD go on OFFENSE as a means of defending ourselves.
What? We cannot punch? We can only counter punch? We must wait until grabbers come up with wet dream gun control bills and then settle for "less bad"? Screw that! Oppose gun control - turn your backs on the "gun rights lobby". The ONLY thing they do is defend their own job security by conning innocent folks into believing they must submit to "less bad" endlessly.
"Universal Background Checks: The Monster That Just Won’t Die"
The Kill off the Frankenstieners
"Jeff Dege said..."
That's the same NRA screed they've been pumping out for too many years.. All they did was make back room deals to give up things that were already ours by default and lie about the results .. You NEVER surrender anything you own.. family, land, guns..
mr. dege,
you rationalize you actions based on the chosen premise that rights and property are actually privileges. that presumption rests on a deeper presumption, which is that we are serfs begging our overlords not to make things worse. so, if that characterizes you position, more or less, then what do you really believe, and what are you doing here?
Anyone who thinks background checks will save lives is either a useful idiot or is playing at advancing hidden agenda.
Anyone who cannot see that the hidden agenda behind "universal background checks" is registration, is a moron.
Jared Lee Loughner, James Holmes, and Elliot Rodger all passed theirs, just to name a few examples,and it did their victims little good.
Background checks are a fruitless burden on the excersize of our fundamental rights, more of the same failed public safety agenda of "gun control" that is ultimately and historically proven to be more useful at developing a lopsided monopoly on the use of force for those who make the laws.
Such gov't monopolies have enabled some of the most heinous crimes against humanity in modern times, to acquiesce and "play defense" in Pyhrric victory after Pyhrric victory is delusional when your victories leave you with nothing but ashes in the oven.
The FACTS are that the grabbers are simply trying to get something, another little piece of what they have already pretty much desecrated from being a recognized right that shall not be infringed, to a gov't administered privilege.
And they want to take that privilege now too.
Go ahead, play by their rules and one day your little carry permit hall pass will be worthless just like the meaning of the second amendment is today.
They mean to see you DISARMED.
You cannot compromise with evil.
.... and as for Gottleib: with "friends" like these, who the heck needs enemies?
I for one will support -no- so-called 2a rights group that compromises their principles for a little reprieve today.
The logic of the situation we are in defines why-
These people will not stop until the Second Amendment itself is rescinded and PRIVATE CITIZENS ARE DISARMED.
They can try to deny this FACT all they want, but there are many more then just a few examples to prove the contrary.
So, if you lay down and "compromise" today, you can rest assured they'll be back the next time some maniac goes off, and its "time" again for collective punishment- for everyone else who had nothing to do with the crime to pay the price by having their rights infringed.
Reasonably, of course.
What part of this do my fellow patriotic Americans fail to understand?
How are there people -even on this blog- who just -fail- to grasp this at this juncture?
We don't need you proudly bragging about how you demand to see someone else's proof of fealty to what this gov't calls "law" before you'll sell them your property. Its your property, you do as you please with it.
But we really could care less.
Because we know that what we really need right now- ARE PEOPLE WILLING TO BREAK ODIOUS AND TYRANNICAL "LAWS".
Not people who brag about obeying them.
Gottlieb is just another American Jew who never learned from history, i.e.,the NAZI holocaust.
What IS it with these American Jews ? They seem to hate Freedom and the means to protect it.
Boxer, Schumer, Feintstein, Levin and others. Maybe when their carcasses are swinging from a lamp post they'll then realize what scoundrel against Freedom they were.
I think Gottlieb is just like those dorks at NRA. They all love wheeling and dealing in the halls of power, and they have convinced themselves that baloney-slicing is the best we can hope for, even if the baloney eventually gets used up. When the revolution gets going, he and his NRA compatriots will be nowhere to be found.
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