Thursday, October 16, 2014

James Wesley Rawles on Ebola.

"Consider This Your LAST Wake-Up Call."


TRex said...

Yes, J.W. Rawles is the foremost authority on Prepping, but he isn't an epidemiologist. He oversells this virus a bit, kinda like a Steven King novel.

Truth is, it isn't that hard to kill, outside the human body, pretty much average. Heat, alcohol, or bleach kills it, just like almost every other virus in the world.

What makes it so bad is that it is extremely virulent and transferable, and in normal quarantine it is a bit of an escape artist. It only takes on strand to infect the next person, so quarantine rules must be absolutely adhered to. It also has a high mortality rate.

I want to be optimistic but I won't candy coat this. I expect the number of cases in the U.S. to quadruple each month for a while. That is 4 in Oct, 16 in Nov, 64 in Dec, 256 in Jan, and over 1000 in Feb.

Ultimately, a vaccine should become available, and treatment will improve, but in the mean time, I would expect fatality rates to be somewhere around 50% for several months.

If you understand Revelation, you should understand this is a foreshadowing of the Fourth Horseman, and in that way, I believe it is our last warning.

Anonymous said...

Watch out for that p.o.s. Rahm Immanuel to try to capitalize on this. "Never let a good crisis go to waste!"

Anonymous said...

I think TRex is right about this being a forerunner of the apocalypse....but then I also think we'll see Damascus destroyed in the next year.....something that will signal the beginning of the 42 months of Great Tribulation.