Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Gun owners following Dick Morris ignore issues of principle and trust

While Vanderboegh, backed up by a trusted source, focused much of his analysis on indicators pointing to Rahm Emanuel being the architect of that proposed violation of civil liberties, the role of Dick Morris -- one-time trusted adviser-turned career Clinton-basher -- as a cheerleader for the plan merits special notice. That’s because since defecting, Morris now enjoys his following from conservatives opposed to the seemingly perpetually-looming threat of Hillary becoming president.


Anonymous said...

Morris has been and always was a piece of offal. A gun grabber ,in sheeps clothing. The pox on him. Lying ,cheating ,jackal. Behind Enemy Lines In Collectivist Ct. We Will Not Stand Down !!! AAA/O. 11B20.

Anonymous said...

I will always be suspicious of Dick "Toe Suck" Morris, (as described by one of the women he cheated with on his wife at the time). He apparently was big on sucking women's toes during sex.

He is like Benedict Arnold. Trusted completely by neither side. Not buying his book.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who listens to mainstream media outlets on just who is a "real" conservative and who to follow on Twitter will get exactly what they deserve. You're begging to be made a chump out of. How long can any thinking person fall for the same con games time and again?

Unknown said...

He' s a weasel, and I always distrust his motivations, whether or not I agree with any particular point he may have.6426

Anonymous said...

Ah, Anon @ October 14, 2014 at 2:06 AM

You owe offal everywhere a huge apology.