Monday, May 5, 2014

Offer to rescind N.J. ‘smart gun’ mandate reeks of deception

A leading New Jersey citizen disarmament-pushing politician says she’s considering repealing a law she sponsored mandating “only smart handguns can be sold there within three years of being sold anywhere in the nation,” The Washington Post reported Friday. But the “offer,” presented as “compromise,” comes with strings attached.


FedUp said...

Statism: Ideas So Good They Have To Be Mandatory.

Anonymous said...

I recall Ms. Weinberg's district encompasses the Bergen County recently attempting to unload a used armored car on a rural western NJ county. Now that county 's prosecutor is seeking a new one of his own.

NJ residents - regardless of their stance on firearms - ought to be asking why so many NJ politicians are so supportive of disarming its taxpaying citizens. Or why they are equally supportive of turning police into military combat teams replete with armor and machine guns. >Jeff