Sunday, May 4, 2014

Keeping it in the family.

See the graphic: The media's incestuous relationships with the Obama administration. Then read 'A Vocal Segment of the Right'


Anonymous said...

Nixon only discussed using the IRS against his political enemies. For that, and a few other lesser crimes, he was run out of office on a rail.

Obama actually used the IRS against his political enemies. He sat on his ass and let four Americans get slaughtered by Al Qaeda affiliates "on the run". Then he and his minions lied about it in order to subvert an election.

These liars are driving America towards another bloody break with an imperial, tyrannical government.

When 4GW breaks out, these liars and subvertors of free elections need to get strung up by their feet from telephone poles...bowels out.

And the limp dick Republican establishment bastards who were too chicken shit to stop them should be impaled on greasy poles right up there beside them.

Mark Matis said...

Add their "Law Enforcement" enablers to that list, Anonymous on May 5, 2014 at 12:12 AM, and I'll agree with you. Or do you actually believe that they could have done ANY of this if even HALF the Blue Wall had honored their very oaths of office to the Constitution???

Anonymous said...

When middle America, its spokespeople, and representatives are characterized as the "extreme right", what does that say about the left?