Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Doesn't look like I'm going to make it to Knob Creek this weekend.

Barring a miracle, I won't be at Knob Creek this weekend as planned. Too many problems of workload and health, resources and logistics have to be solved for me to make it and I can't make them happen fast enough. Sorry. Will let you know what happens as soon as I know.
LATER: Well, that's interesting. I'm so messed up, I mistook Knob Creek for this weekend when it is next weekend. So, maybe I'll make it after all. I'll see the nephrologist tomorrow, so maybe my kidney failure cause will be diagnosed and treatment begun by then.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike, Knob Creek is next weekend, 11th, 12th and 13th.

Anonymous said...

Hope you can make it.

SWIFT said...

Yeah, I was also going to Knob Creek. Had the money saved up and was chomping at the bit. Then, I got our property taxes. The penalties for delayed payment are beyond belief, so my money is gone. There should be a law!

Anonymous said...


This is the type of ass-hattery were up against folks.

How does one convince an idiot that he is an idiot?