Saturday, February 1, 2014

There they go again, failing to think through the ramifications of the Law of Unintended Consequences.

"I believe the solution is to pass laws that tax, limit, regulate and register the sale and manufacture of bullets."


SWIFT said...

I hope John Berkowitz isn't trying to pass this off as an original thought. The former principled stalwart of the American Way, Sen. Ted Kennedy, had these exact same ideas decades ago. Due to the fact that I believe no idea proposed in Washington ever really dies, I took Ted Kennedy's threat as real and bought ammo while it was cheap. Thanks Ted.

Anonymous said...

Purchasing bullets (not addressed in the Second Amendment)........
????? Note: bullets not invented when 2nd amendment was written.
DUMBASS. Not all in St. Charles are this dumb.

Bear said...

If anyone using Facebook (that site requires it for comments) wants to point out a few errors with Berkie's plan, feel free to repost:
Mr. Berkowitz is a disengenuous, dissembling douchebag. Weapons systems -- arms per the Second Amendment -- _are_ systems. For example, the case of a modern semi-automatic handgun, the system is the ATF-regulated frame, additional working components such as slide, barrel, trigger group, hammer, firing pin/striker, assorted springs, along with other system components like magazines... and _ammunition_. Take away any single one of those items and the operation of the _system_ is impaired, very likely to the point of complete failure.

Historians and those informed on the subject of weapons understand this. Mr. Berkowitz is correct in his claim that "this approach is not without precedent." The Battle of Lexington and Concord was sparked by the attempt of British gun control activists to confiscate powder, bullets, and flints. I suspect a modern attempt will work about as well for Mr. B. as it did in 1775. Manufacturers routinely and correctly describe their products as "systems", such as the VLTOR, V7, and PWS. The US Army calls the M4 weapon system... A WEAPON SYSTEM.

10 out 10 _knowledge people who are not evil, gun-grabbing idiots understand that ammunition -- an essential component of firearms systems -- is just as protected as any of the other components.

-Carl "Bear" Bussjaeger

FedUp said...

Come and take it, eh?

Pat H. said...

My comment to the article referenced.

"What the author of the letter obviously doesn't know is that the US Supreme Court has already ruled that no government can tax the supplies and equipment used to exercise a right.

So, his idea, if it weren't so heinous, would be rather silly.

The intrinsic right to self defense with any weapon is NOT subject to arguments of utility nor to the democratic process."