Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Democrats' Colorado Conundrum

Meanwhile, while Mike Lawlor and his Governor are sweating out the whole KGB thing, Hickenlooper and his collectivist comrades are having their own problems in Colorado. In a crucial battleground state, liberalism has suffered a major setback.


Paul X said...

"Colorado has been the scene of a fierce backlash against the national Democratic leadership on a host of issues that should make it a natural base for a Republican comeback."

The author thinks Coloradans are eager to trade one sack of shit for another, nearly identical sack of shit. I think the problems run a little deeper than that.

Anonymous said...

to Paul X: you are so right.

Good Greg said...

I think Paul X is correct. We have too many Cali immigrants plus the republic of boulder and the nearly as liberal republic of Ft. Collins to overcome. The sacks of shit are also numerous.

Anonymous said...

This begins and ends with the media, and they are uniformly Marxist.