Thursday, February 6, 2014

Surgeon General nominee's vow to refrain from anti-gun agenda likely big fat lie

Murthy may well be telling the truth in his claim that his biggest priority if confirmed will be tackling the obesity problem, but there should be no doubt that he would also dearly love to put Americans' gun safes on a crash diet.

1 comment:

MamaLiberty said...

What folks need to realize is that nobody on earth has any legitimate authority to do either one.

If people believe government actually has the authority to do ANYTHING, then they are empowering that authority to do absolutely anything.

Now, anyone can delegate that power over them to others if they wish, but they CANNOT legitimately choose that for anyone else.

The question isn't about "rights" or desired limits on government. The real question is: DO YOU OWN YOUR LIFE? If you own it, then you are the only one responsible for it. You can't have it both ways.