Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Scenes from a militarized America: Iowa family ‘terrorized’

From Radley Balko: Watch this video, taken from a police raid in Des Moines, Iowa. Send it to some people. When critics (like me) warn about the dangers of police militarization, this is what we’re talking about. You’ll see the raid team, dressed in battle-dress uniforms, helmets and face-covering balaclava hoods take down the family’s door with a battering ram. You’ll see them storm the home with ballistics shields, guns at the ready. More troubling still, you’ll see not one but two officers attempt to prevent the family from having an independent record of the raid, one by destroying a surveillance camera, another by blocking another camera’s lens.


Anonymous said...

Just another day in what used to be a free and constitutional America.

Try not to step on the bodies, the boot marks are hard to hide sometimes.

Oh and for pete sake, stop stomping puppies and kittens in front of the cameras. Sooner or later somebody is going to leak it. Can the laughter too.

Anonymous said...

when you have to wear a mask to do your job...its criminal

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Amerika comrades. This is for your protection.

(sarcasm off)
The standard policy of real Americans should be to mag dump on the stack while they are destroying evidence (cameras). They would not hesitate to unload on you in the name of officer safety. Citizens should not hesitate either. Best to wrap your head around that.

AJ said...

I've said this before, I'll say it again. Every time a SWAT team musters up to bust down a door, I just wish that there would be a belt fed M2 waiting for them on the other side.