Thursday, February 13, 2014

More Maryland Marxism: "Holistic" horsecrap.

Mizeur’s crime plan calls for shift from ‘mass incarceration’ to prevention in Maryland


Anonymous said...

Today's "prevention" means "deemed and punished as guilty until proved innocent under impossible standards and unattainable costs".


Ed said...

Whoa. For a second there instead of "mass incarceration" I though I read "mass incineration". Where have we seem that before as a problem solving strategy for dealing with a large segment of the population?

Anonymous said...

Dutchman -- I don't care for her position on guns, but she's dead-nuts on target regarding the War on Drugs.

See the comments section:

2/5/2014 7:58 AM EST
Drug Prohibition generates a solid 70% of FELONY CRIME. As a detective I arrested those people.

Eliminate the War on Drugs and you could easily close half the prisons in MD....and citizens would notice the crime stats drop accordingly. Got a drug problem? See a doctor or shake hands with Whitney Houston, etc.

Mizeur simply and correctly says we need to end the failed War on Drugs.