Friday, February 14, 2014

Herschel Smith on the 9th Circus Decision & Connecticut Tyrannical Outcomes.

The Ninth Circuit, The Second Amendment And The Right To Bear Arms
My thoughts? I ain't celebrating yet. The prags are almost in ecstatic auto-ejaculation over this. I say, there is nothing these black-robed bastards can't yet screw up. (See Heller.)
See also Notes from HPS:
Mike Vanderboegh is discussing his work against Communist Mike Lawlor and how remarks by Robert Farago don’t quite measure up. Look, I have nothing against Robert, but I find him to be a rather strange bird. The e-mails I have exchanged with him eventually found Robert offering to let me write for TTAG as long as they got exclusive rights to the content for the first 48 hours (or some time), while he also seemed very reluctant to link and comment on anything I write on my own web site. I cannot possibly answer why he took this position. As I said, it seems rather odd to me.
Robert says of the Connecticut situation, “No matter how you look at it, this will not end well.” Oh, I’m not so sure about that. Perhaps I will begin praying imprecatory prayers against Mike Lawlor. Perhaps the collectivists in Connecticut will back down. Perhaps this will become a toothless law. Perhaps the first shooting or imprisonment of a gun owner will bring the house down on law enforcement in Connecticut. I can think of a number of good outcomes.


Anonymous said...

There are some things in the Corcus decision to be thankful and hopeful about. However, there is plenty to be wary of and even some blatant garbage to outright oppose.

Why did this come out of that cesspool? The jig is up and they know it. It's a couched attempt to look supportive of standing down gun control while actually setting up the keeping of a great deal of it.

People need to read that decision CAREFULLY -especially the ironic hypocrisy of slamming other courts over the very twisting the ninth itself engages in.

Mike, you caution on the Heller front. I agree. This decision is WORSE, in that, it dismisses even some of what heller did get correct.

Anonymous said...

I can see the usurpers bringing in UN troops to enforce their unconstitutional laws. I can also see every armed patriot from the other 50 states (like they did when there were 13 states when they rushed to Boston to the aid of the colonists there). The patriots in CT will let us know when they are in trouble. I can see The Usurper "turning off the Internet" so there is no communications when time comes. I believe they will even go as far as a targeted EMP once they realize what could happen and how badly they could lose.