Sunday, February 2, 2014

Bloomberg group used heroin-abusing actor Hoffman in anti-gun video. (Written before he turned up dead of an overdose.)

So much for that “national conversation on guns.”


DamDoc said...

So, should a prohibited person be taken seriously to comment on who should have a gun? How do we know what his state of mind was? Certainly cant take somebody like that remotely seriously. Imagine if he was driving on the same road as our kids.

Holden McGroin said...

We must outlaw illegal, assault style syringes so that such tragedies do not happen to our children.

Gunny G said...

You'll pardon me if I don't give a flying crap about this turd going ten toes up.

Anonymous said...

False premise.

The right to keep and bear is inalienable. And that means people cannot be stripped of them absent due process detention in prison - and even then the core of that set of rights - self defense (though absent firearms) STILL cannot be stripped.

The "prohibited person" crap is exactly that. Crap. It's just a device used to divide us and attain one more step in the goal - disarming the population bit by bit. I find it abhorrent that so many "gun" people succumb to this false premise.

Stop buying the nonsense. Lest you find yourself an active participant in jay walking tickets being cause to prohibit another Citizen from exercising their RIGHTS.

Never happen you say? Hmmmm. Well a man was just beaten bloody by cops for jay walking AND "courts" have already delved into moving from "only" violent felonies to nonviolent felonies and onto misdemeanors!!!!! Jay walking isn't that far away.


Anonymous said...

Well said Anon at 9:33 AM....

If we don't start standing up for others rights, don't be surprised when no one stands up for our own.

Anonymous said...

It is too bad that Hoffman did not use Bloomberg's money to get into a detox program and save his life.

I do not like Hollywood types, with their inevitable deviancies, trying to lecture Americans about their constitutional rights.

By his own actions and admissions, he was ineligible to purchase a firearm.

Anonymous said...

Folks, addiction is a terrible and deadly disease. If you've had to fight it, you know that. If you haven't, it's likely you know someone who has. The only way to beat it is to surrender.

I am a drunk. My natural state is intoxicated. Being sober is absolutely unnatural for me. I last drank June 15, 1988. By the Grace of God and the program and fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous, I have not had a drink since.

Yes, it's been a long time, and no, I am NOT cured. I am one drink away from the road right back to Stupid Street. i have a daily reprieve from a helpless and hopeless condition of mind and body, dependent on my spiritual condition. As long as it's been since my last drink, I may be that much closer to my next one.

I'm still paying a high price for some poor choices I made back then.

I didn't know Mr. Hoffman personally, but I knew him. In my early days in AA, I heard the slogan "Some must die that others may live." That was one that rang true for me from the very start. I got sober in the first place due to the murder of one of my best friends. He got his guts cut out on a beach and was left for the dogs to devour.

If you don't know the battle, you don't know what you're talking about and so should not pass judgment on those who do.

Phil Hoffman was a very talented actor who was also, unfortunately, addicted to drugs. It could just as easily be me or you who falls next. May God have mercy on us all.

Mike, I hope you won't see this post as hijacking your thread. I mean no harm, no offense. I hope none is seen.