Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Another brave dog killer.

Cop Shoots Man’s Service Dog During His 9-Year-Old Son’s Birthday Party


Anonymous said...

If you would care to tell police chief Tim Reeves what you think about this, his email address is:

The so-called chicken-shit officer, Tarek Hassani, who murdered Hooch has a name that could be a Muslim name. Muslims don't like dogs and generally abuse them. If a police officer unjustly shot my dog, chances are I'd be returning fire in the dog's behalf. At the very least the officer should be fired for incompetence. If the officer had any judgement at all and he was scared of the dog, it might have been acceptable for him to use mace instead of bullets! If he is a Muslim, I would have never hired him, anyway.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous comment from Anonymous. I'd also like to add that there were other options available to the officer, such as pepper spray and taser. While CN and CS affect the lacrimal ducts (which a dog does NOT have) OC is an irritant that acts directly on the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. At the very least this idiot violated his department's 'use of force' policy. And if his department doesn't have one, it is time for it to be immediately sued out of existence.
The officer acted very unprofessionally in dropping the F-bomb immediately when contacting the homeowner, and then elevated his voice when a calming approach was called for.
OK, if anyone thinks I'm defending this thug, understand this: HANG HIM!

Anonymous said...

Gee...don't call this guy if a dog's out. First he'll kick at it, and then he'll wonder why it acts aggressive towards him.....then he just shoots it, doesn't get a clean kill shot and instead lets it suffer while he calls in a "shots fired" to the dispatcher. Dipshit.

Anonymous said...

"If a police officer unjustly shot my dog, chances are I'd be returning fire in the dog's behalf."

When citizens begin to return fire on the cowards and bullies in government, we will begin to see the cowards and bullies in the government retreat, retire, and cower in utter fear for their lives.

That will be a good thing and that day is long overdue.

Anonymous said...

Puppy was Playing. Throw 12x12 Native Indian Fishnet over Officer Whaaaa. Tie Corners. Drag behind Truck.

Anonymous said...

I e-mail reports of these incidents
to quite a few people I know. Little
drops of water, little flakes of snow.
Behold the mighty avalanche....
Local incidents get a lot of local
coverage, i.e. "Bear Bear" at a Maryland
dog run some years ago.

Anonymous said...

it's like there's some kind of signalling
function going on with this. netsearch
on "Gatestone Institute" and "jihad"
and "dogs" for what might be hint.

Anonymous said...

Will Grigg has more on this, at Lew Rockwell. Filer ID prosecutors refused
to charge Hassani after he shot a young man in the head.*
Kindness to animals does not predict
kindness or even decency to humans**
but cruelty to animals is an indicator
of potential cruelty to humans. In this
case, we need not predict.
* Puppycide in a small Idaho town.
** according to research one medical
professor of my virtual acquaintance
cited some years ago.

Anonymous said...

I'm usually critical of police in these despicable dog shooting incidents, but after watching the entire video I think that cop was marginally justified. Those dogs were being aggressive. He could have tazed it instead if he had a taser, but in the moment what else could he do? If the owner had an ounce of responsibility, those dogs wouldn't have been freely running wild.

Anonymous said...

Met Hundreds of Pets in 30 Years of FloorLaying @5,000 Addresses. Been Bitten too. Scary, yes. What a useless non-productive Freak and a Coward..

Anonymous said...

Men listen, hear me please. When one stands up, as Carl Drega did, do not forget him, I say again do not forget him. Since we will not all stand together yet, we must start standing alone until those who love liberty unite, it has ever been this way! So stand and when you do, the duty of us who are left is too remember you, speak of you and honor you by teaching our neighbors about your bravery and sacrifice and reasons. We must witness to everyone who will hear. Remember Carl Drega and remember the rest!