Friday, February 14, 2014

10 Prison Security Techniques Being Implemented on the American People

As I got closer to retiring from the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP), it began to dawn on me that the security practices we used in the prison system were being implemented outside those walls. “Free worlders” is prison slang for the non-incarcerated who reside in the “free world.” In this article I am going to compare a number of practices used in federal prisons to those being used today in the “free world.”


Anonymous said...

Very scary, watching those poor disarmed sheeple being herded around with their hands up. No police officers in any recognizable uniform, long and side arms everywhere. I honestly thought that in the first video, the door was going to be broken in.

I do not live in that area, and am only vaguely aware of the Tsarnaev brothers, through mass media reports. I do not know what the risk was to the public at the time those videos were taken. There was some mention of strewn explosives, and I recall grenades of some type were present.

If such people came to my home, without a warrant, I would tell them to leave. If unlawful entry to my home was attempted, the video camera, at the very least, would come out. The terrorist(s) would have had a short lifespan here, as unlike MA, nobody is disarmed.

I would not be voting for that Governor, except for impeachment. What provisions were made for people caring for homebound relatives, needing medication, etc.?

All that force, armored cars, etc., and the suspect was found by a homeowner hiding in his boat. Shows how easy it is for the government to drop the facade of the constitution.

Anonymous said...

Micheal Lawlor is ...well trained in prison control and its application in the 'free world"


Anonymous said...

"Shelter in place" is the new "line up for the trains".
In a situation like that, local LEO is TRIGGER HAPPY and the politicos know it. (Evidenced by the numerous rounds shot into that boat and they STILL didn't smoke that bastard). That order (er um request) is indeed for people safety but not from terrorist muzzie bombs. It's about staying safe from LEOs trigger fingers!

It make no mistake! "Shelter in place is a couched declaration of MARTIAL LAW where all liberties have been ignored. They just won't SAY it.

Anonymous said...

The folks who were in the WTC were told to shelter in place too.
And they're all dead.