Monday, December 2, 2013

“The Magic of Valerie.” Obama's Rasputin

The Jarrett File -- What we know about Obama’s secretive adviser.
Jarrett’s critics have no dearth of examples. She has been variously described by her critics within the Obama administration as the “Night Stalker,” on account of her general ruthlessness, as well as her tendency to follow the president into the White House residence after hours; “She Who Must Not Be Challenged”; and Obama’s “Rasputin.” Former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, who clashed often with Jarrett, likened her and senior aide Peter Rouse to Saddam Hussein’s maniacal sons, Uday and Qusay. Over the past several years, a clearer picture of Jarrett’s role has emerged thanks to the plethora of books and articles published about the inner workings of the Obama White House. She is equal parts fangirl and enforcer, inspiring fear and envy in her (many) detractors, a true believer who was in on the ground floor of the Obama Cult and will be the last to leave.


thirdtwin said...

"...a true believer who was in on the ground floor of the Obama Cult and will be the last to leave."

She will be helping Mooch get whichever Senate seat is available in 2016.

Anonymous said...

Oh my according to Val, Obama can get an A on an exam by just reading a book the day before the test. No studying needed.
The woman is a Communist as is her puppet.

oughtsix said...

Val and Bambi bring to mind The Screwtape Letters.....

Skip said...

If she were to to have a stroke, the republic would prosper.

Anonymous said...

Born in Iran to a Communist father and mother. Her father was a comrade of Frank Marshall Davis. You can bet that she also subscribes to Islam by the way she conducts herself. She is in fact the defacto POTUS. Several books and many articles are now revealing the horse shit that is going on behind the scenes. She is to Caligula Obama Jr what Himmler, Goering and Goebbels were to Hitler.