Monday, December 2, 2013

How to tell if collectivists are lying -- their lips are moving.

Lies and Hypocrisy Are Essential Components of Liberalism
Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose – to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth.


Ken said...

I agree with the author's main theme. It's often a mistake to attempt to engage a certain type of political progressive on the merits, as it were, because the content of the speaker's words is intended only to win the argument at the moment, and for no other purpose.

It's merest sophistry, and if it weren't for bad faith, they'd have no faith at all.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I ask: "What exactly are 'progressives' progressing towards?"

I never get a a solid, or even coherent, answer.

Anonymous said...

"Progressivism is not a coherent ideology so much as a purpose – to control every aspect of our lives. It is about consolidating progressive power. Nothing else matters. That includes the truth."

Then you must ask the question WHY? What substantive purpose is there for doing so? The goal cannot be simply to win, something else drives it but what?

The answer is to take from others, their property and power and convert them, to to their own purposes, to acquire them as their personal assets. Their personal property, their personal wealth.

Instead of a gun and mask, that the ordinary robber uses, they convert the police and military as their "guns" and the media and entertainment industry as their "masks."