Sunday, December 15, 2013

North Korea could be in store for a purge — and destabilization

North Korea is in the international military extortion business, and the first outing by the new management diminished the value of the brand. North Korea occupies a high-tension, high-stakes niche in the international system wherein there is precious little margin for error. It is incalculably dangerous to have a decider prone to miscalculations running the show. But in the regime’s next crisis, who is going to counsel the Dear And Respected Leader that his preferred option is a dumb idea? Not Uncle Jang.
LATER: See also -- The women behind the throne in North Korea's 'empire of horror'
Kim Jong-un's execution of his uncle has been seen as a brutal demonstration of who is in power. But behind the scenes, are Kim Kyung-hui and Ri Sol-ju, Kim Jong-un's aunt and wife, pulling the strings in North Korea?


SWIFT said...

North Korea is not a problem. China is a problem. With out China (and to a growing extent,Iran) North Korea would be reduced to finding a way to cook rocks and sand for sustenance. China,at U.S. prompting to intercede, has constantly refused. So, take unilateral action, using neutron bombs, start bombing at the DMZ all the way to the Yalu River. Many good things could come from this: (1) Many North Koreans would go to the great Commune in the SKY (2) South Korea could concentrate all military expenditures against China. (3) Iran would have to look around for other sources of missile technology (4) we could bring 30,000 troops home,,,,to be mistreated and labeled by DoD,VA, Homies and FBI (5) Japan could get an economic shot in the arm, selling medicine to the survivors. Look for the silver lining, I always say.

Anonymous said...

That's some disturbing reading....though our own government is likely up to the same tricks....they just aren't open about it.

Anonymous said...

In all the years I have studied North Korea, the only thing I have discovered interesting is that when their military is in dress uniform, they wear lots of cool "buzzers" or decorations on their uniform jackets. Not much of an accomplishment in 60 years. On the other hand, the creeps kill their own and foreign citizens, recklessly threaten nuclear war, and have a complete inability to enter honorable negotiations with anyone. A terror-state led by an obese 3d generation collectivist stooge is nowhere for anyone to have to live, especially the poor folks with the misfortune of being born there. I am very surprised that DPRK has not tried the "Soylent Green" solution to its inability to feed itself. SWIFT's proposal has a lot of merit. Just be sure that the "Dear Fat Leader" and all his buzzer wearing minions are in-country when the Tomahawks hit. I hope the South Koreans have plenty of bulldozers and quicklime.