Monday, December 16, 2013

More on the Quisling candidate for NRA board member, Brandon Webb.

Based on the responses I've received in emails from some current and former NRA board members and long-time activists, my post of Short Timer's email, NRA Board candidate Brandon Webb is a "wolf in sheep's clothing," raised pointed interest in some quarters.
Based on their reactions, I'd say that the following posts at The Bang Switch and Soldier Systems will also be of interest.
First, an excellent review from MAC at The Bang Switch: "Keep Brandon Webb off the NRA Board of Directors." MAC asks, "What is it with anti-gunners infesting the NRA Board of Directors?"
Also, the comments at Soldier Systems to “What Do You Think About Brandon Webb’s Possible Candidacy For NRA Board Of Directors?” are interesting.
A doff of the boonie hat and deep genuflection to Short Timer for bringing this quisling to our attention.


Anonymous said...

I did some checking, and it does appear that our Mr. Brandon was a SEAL. He also apparently, and more impressively, made E-7. Was he injured and medically retired? I don't know the answer to that one, but I am mildly curious about the reason he got out after 13 years.

As others have posted SEALS who try to impress everybody with their prowess don't do much for me, and I could care less about this quisling running for the board of the arch-quisling organization.



Anonymous said...


When did he get out would be my question? Or, when did he serve?