Thursday, December 12, 2013

Latest from the Digital Stasi. New documents show how the NSA infers relationships based on mobile location data

Everyone who carries a cellphone generates a trail of electronic breadcrumbs that records everywhere they go. Those breadcrumbs reveal a wealth of information about who we are, where we live, who our friends are and much more. And as we reported last week, the National Security Agency is collecting location information in bulk — 5 billion records per day worldwide — and using sophisticated algorithms to assist with U.S. intelligence-gathering operations.


Anonymous said...

The documents make reference to a number of authorities under which this collection occurs, including Executive Order 12333, which is the president’s guidance for espionage under his own sole authority overseas. Courts have no jurisdiction and Congress does little oversight of this kind of intelligence collection. One of the challenges is that very little is known about the intelligence community uses this presidential authority. Because it is solely an executive document, the president may rewrite it at will.:"unquote

And therein lies the legal underpinning for the coming Totalitarianism-R-Us. How an "executive order" can be reconciled with the "separation of branches" whereby the Executive was prohibited from enacting "law" by the Constitution, is beyond comprehension. ESPECIALLY, if an executive order is "UN-reviewable" by any court. In my universe, this is precisely the definition of a TYRANT and SHOULD be the legal basis for which a democratic society DISSOLVES said government.

Btw..Dear NSA.. suck my dick.

Anonymous said...

Great. And how does all this benefit the average American?

Anonymous said...

The great 'benefit' is that none of us have to worry about due process ever again!


The Old Coach said...

I knew it was a good idea to hang onto my antediluvian Tracfone. No GPS in that sucker.

Anonymous said...

Legal underpinnings my bushy tushy.

There is no legality for any of this, except what "their" judges, "their" media and "their" political operatives and politicians, proclaim there to be.

I give you justice Roberts and "Obama Care" as just one of thousands of examples of unconstitutional "law" made constitutional by outright lies and deliberate fabrication to purpose and result.

Some might call it treason, and they would be correct.