Friday, December 6, 2013

I am still perusing the FBI's new Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide. . .

Although I must say that life is imitating comedy: "CIA Realizes It's Been Using Black Highlighters All These Years."
I hope to have my piece on this document up by mid-afternoon. For now, I am out of time.


Anonymous said...

Who would have thunk it - all those redacted pages have really been highlighted to show the important parts ... but some incompetent simply and mistakenly used a black marker.

Oh ... and some dumb-ass was ordered to use the shredder instead of the copier ...

Nothing to see here folks. Move on!

Yeah; Right!


STG58 said...

And WELCOME to SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE!!!. You can't make this stuff up, District of Criminals do it for you.....too funny!!!

SWIFT said...

For anyone to believe this was a comedy of errors, is to lend credibility to their lying asses. The CIA did not want a 'history'. They did not want historians poring over documents, searching for "what really happened". They have produced the weakest of all possible lies in this cover-up. This is the equivalent of catching your two year old with grape jam all over their face. You ask,"were you in the grape jam?" Nope! The flip side is: they are suppose to be our first line of defense against foreign threats? We're screwed!

Anonymous said...

Not to defend the CIA, but this story is from The Onion, a parody news site. It's not real.

Anonymous said...

This stuff IS made up. Mike said life imitates comedy. What he was hinting at is he linked to a satire piece on The Onion. His real piece is still being developed.

Anonymous said...

Ah, people? You DO realize this is satire, don't you? If it is published on the Onion, then it isn't real news. I mean look at those other headlines off to the side.

I mean:
Inconsiderate Woman On Bus Eating Live Tuna
New Attractive Person Comes To Nation’s Attention
Grisly Remains Of 15 Hobbits Discovered In Peter Jackson’s Attic

How about:
Bo Obama Receives Visiting Dognitaries From Furuguay
North Korea Celebrates As Kim Jong-Un Becomes First Man To Walk On Moon

Could those possibly be real?

I find it especially ironic that among the people not getting the "joke" is someone who styles them self "Swift", presumably after Johnathon Swift - THE WELL KNOWN SATIRIST!!

Anonymous said...

umm Mike?
Your link went to "The Onion"
A NEWS Satire site. look at the rest of the articles. Its STILL better than CNN.

Dutchman6 said...

"Anonymous said... This stuff IS made up. Mike said 'life imitates comedy.' What he was hinting at is he linked to a satire piece on The Onion. His real piece is still being developed."

Thank you, Anon. You got the joke.

Anonymous said...

Any major/real life files like what you are looking for most likely will be on one of the two following web sites: wikileaks or cryptome, they are loaded with years of info and you can email them and they can locate it if they have it!

Anonymous said...

"It seemed counterintuitive, but the higher-ups didn't know what they were doing," the ex-officer said. "I was once ordered to feed documents into a copying machine in order to make backups of some very important top-secret records, but it turned out to be some sort of device that cut the paper to shreds."unquote

Notwithstanding life imitating comedy, this reminds me of Feinstein/Rogers introducing legislation that codifys current NSA practices masquerading as reform.

I imagined her bill was a piece from the Onion.