Friday, November 15, 2013

Working on the next phase of the smuggling campaign.

That's what I'll be doing the rest of the day. More later.


Anonymous said...

Several years ago, I had begun reading preparedness sites with the intent of improving my education, understanding of the Constitution, and survival skills. I found this site to contain the most useful information on a regular basis, along with one other. Our moderator is on track, and even allows posts such as the anonymous post @11:07h which denigrate him. Try that on Kap'n Krunch's site and see if the post goes through. The moderator graciously notifies us when he will be busy, and posts appear when things settle down. I do not mind waiting. Things happen in life. If you no longer find the site worth following, pick another, there are plenty out there. You can start your own, using Blogger and other free tools. The reason people here respect the moderator is due to his consistency and willingness to educate others of varying ages and skill levels. People also respect him for breaking the BATFE Gunwalker scandal, and for injecting a little humor into our days.

Anonymous said...

If we can just light a fire under your backside and get ABSOLVED finished these complainers would be too busy to whine and cry. I still recall (LONG AGO) sitting by the computer screen reading each and every word of the ABSOLVED saga and not missing even a single word. For those newbies who are not yet aware of the ABSOLVED story, BEWARE, it will grab you by the throat and not let go since it is that gripping of a story. I am not going to hold my breath waiting for the Rest Of The Story (haven't I heard that term before, many years ago?) But the Ret of the Absolved Story is sure worth the wait.