Monday, November 4, 2013

Very busy day ahead of me.

I'll have more later, but that's it for now.

1 comment:

jaquebauer said...

Here is an Idea of sorts, to make a little money, or maybe not. You see I have been reading your blog backwards, from the oldest post and so on. There is a large amount of useful, meaningful, and importent information here, and I doubt many of todays newer readers have looked back to the beginning of this blog. Why dont you send up a balloon offering a printed version of this blog, for cost + some markup, and see how many requests you get back. Make it like a newsletter.

I have been using adobe acrobat to screen print each new posting, beginning at the first, from Wednesday, December 31, 2008.
I starting this so that I could read the blog, offline, on the pot, in the tent, or at the dinner table, without the computer. Its also easier on these old eyes to read ink on paper. Then the idea came to me-that you might offer say, the last 4 years of the blog in print-on real paper from real trees.

Thats it.

Here is a link to some of uncles publications available from the army logistics university.
