Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Articles of Impeachment Against Eric Holder.

Matthew Boyle broke the story here: "Rep. Olson Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Eric Holder."
The Capitalism Institute also has the text of the Articles of Impeachment Against Eric Holder.
Of course as long as the FBI has Old Yellowstain Boehner by the pitiful excuse of what passes for testicles on the man, it will go nowhere.


Left Coast Conservative said...

This is just a political stunt, one Republican pandering to his conservative base. While Holder should be impeached, he deserves it not refusing to defend DOMA, but for Fast & Furious, what some people are calling Murdergate.

Anonymous said...

Nah ... your right on that one , we're stuck with these bastards for 3 more years. All of them .

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Fast and Furious, I just received an email from Senator Rand Paul, in regards to the UN Small Arms Treaty, requesting signing a Firearm Sovereignty survey prepared by the National Association of Gun Rights. That aside, within this email, Senator Paul made this statement...

Already, parts of the U.N.’s radical agenda are slipping through covertly. In fact, Obama’s State Department even bragged that Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious are implementations of the U.N. anti-Second Amendment agenda!" unquote

In that regard, I just fired off a reply...

Dear Senator Paul,

Thank you for the email. You are entirely correct. This attempt to usurp the 2nd Amendment of our Constitution is nothing less than treasonous should US citizens who are our Representitives endorse this insidious measure. However, I have something to ask you. Within this email, you state this......

Already, parts of the U.N.’s radical agenda are slipping through covertly. In fact, Obama’s State Department even bragged that Project Gunrunner and Operation Fast and Furious are implementations of the U.N. anti-Second Amendment agenda!" unquote

Sir, could you please provide me with absolute proof of WHO in the State Department disclosed this information? I mean, consider the ramifications here. IF, indeed this is true, then this provides living proof that Attorney General Eric Holder and various people in the ATF not only lied to Congress, but initiated a program whereby thousands of Mexican citizens have been murdered, Border Patrol agent Terry notwithstanding.

Furthermore, I understand statements made by US Government employees can be misconstrued, although lying is rampant within my government, sometimes, statements can be exaggerated in furthering an agenda such as the point of this email. However, as I am a US citizen, who has followed these debacles in detail for over 3 years, and first hand witnessed Holders et al statements during Senator Issa's hearings, I feel I am due any and all information that would lead to legal accountability for those who not only initiated this vile criminality, but those who helped cover it up, not only for Agent Terry's family's sake, but also to reinstate the public's trust in their government, as you no doubt understand, Congress's approval rating is now down to the lowest ebb in history, at 9%. Moreover, if indeed, you have proof these statements were made by a representative of the State Department, it would require you to submit this information to those within our government responsible for investigating high crimes within our government, perhaps the DOJ Inspector General.

The fact is Senator, crimes WERE committed here. High crimes at the very top levels of our government, and it makes me livid, as I watch Eric Holder et al prosecute low level crimes of intellectual theft such as Aaron Swartz and whistleblowers like John Kiriakou with impunity..and that makes me even more livid, as the Two Tiered IN-Justice system in the DOJ has reached biblical proportions. Not only does the DOJ prosecute low level crime with impunity, it does so while allowing criminals within the Financial cartels to escape with fines, even though they conspired to reap havoc within the worlds economic systems to the point of collapse. I ask you Senator...WHAT is wrong with this picture???

It is in that light that I make this request, as I am at the point of total repudiation of the justice system in this nation, as it has demonstrated in no uncertain terms, the REAL criminals are actually running it.

Thank you for your email, and consideration of my request. I await your answer.


(my name)

US Citizen

Anonymous said...

Makes sense to me. We will have to see how far it goes, and who is the first person to hold it up.