Monday, November 18, 2013

That pesky old Mandate of Heaven thing. "The fiasco of the launch of Obama’s sweeping health care overhaul has put the reputation of Big Government progressivism at risk for at least this generation."

Obamacare's threat to liberalism.
But more dispassionate analysts — even sympathetic ones — say it would be hard to overstate the danger of this moment, for Obama and for Democrats more broadly. From the beginning, Obama sketched his agenda for the country as the sort that succeeds only once a generation, if then. . .
As the late Arthur Schlesinger Jr. liked to note, there are cycles in American history, in which periods of expansion and retrenchment of government activism follow each other by turns across the decades. If Obama’s forward charge fails, the record suggests retrenchment is likely to follow.
“The public feels completely bamboozled by this,” Gergen said. “And I think apologies are not going to be enough.
Folks, it is almost impossible to overestimate the damage Obamacare has done to the legitimacy of the regime -- and I'm not talking about what I read in the papers. This dispirits Obama's allies and encourages opposition to them on a much bigger battlefield filled with real people. I was being interviewed by a reporter on armed civil disobedience and the smuggling campaign in a local Applebee's restaurant on Friday afternoon and at every table the Obamacare fiasco was being roundly -- and loudly -- denounced. Later, I went to WalMart to pick up some icing buckets for long-term storage and every other conversation I overheard was about the Obomination. The folks gathered around the pharmacy were particularly incensed. After listening to one older fellow going on at length, I waited for him to catch his breath and asked, "Makes you mad enough to throw a brick through a Democrat's window, doesn't it?" He looked at me, blinked, and then said heatedly, "You bet your ass it does. I voted for the bastard the first time but this is bullshit. It's socialism is what it is."
I replied, "You know, there were some people back when the law was about to be passed who saw this coming and threw bricks through local Democrat Party headquarters windows in protest."
"Yeah?" he said. "Well they were right." He paused, "And I was wrong."
I smiled all the way out the door.
I was smiling because this doesn't just affect Obamacare but the entirety of the regime's plans for the next three years. If no one believes them because of the now-exposed Obamacare lies, they will not be able get folks to believe them on their responses to issues raised by other crises -- accidental or contrived.
This is a political victory for us that must be exploited. It also is a good reason not to be obsessed with defeatism by the false imagery of the Omnipotent Wizard but rather to continue to work on ways to pull back the curtain on the scared little man behind the curtain. Meanwhile, keep your rifles clean and your powder dry. If they get really desperate -- and really stupid -- they still might try a bloody game changer.
LATER: Also see Thus Spake Obama. The incompetence of our neo-monarchy


Anonymous said...

For almost five years now, I've had a huge sticker spanning the rear glass of my Tahoe that says -
One Big A$$ Mistake America.

In the beginning, I took some heat. Especially from colored folks. I live here in the heart of Obamaland -Illinois. But now? Not so much.

The usurper has always been one big lie. A fabrication from start to finish. The media lackeys have realized that the lie himself has finally been exposed despite their own lies covering for the liar. They wil now attempt to rehabilitate themselves - writing as if they knew he was a fraud all along.

We must not let them off that hook! Nor should we let those folks who did vote for the usurper off the hook.

Anonymous said...

The Left still has one major thing they can run on. That thing is "Free Stuff".

In the last two presidential election cycles, the Fools and Takers outnumbered the Makers.

The Takers will always vote for democrats. Hopefully there will be less Fools next time around.

Anonymous said...

Many democrat supporters I know are disgusted with Obamacare, its failure, and their inability to keep health care plans they have relied on for years. If someone who appears remotely reasonable runs in the next presidential election, they will win it, regardless of party affiliation. The general consensus here is that the dead elephants are owned by the corporations and the dems are run by the far left. People want the government to be bi-partisan, and work for the benefit of American families, not get bogged down in sequesters and similar nonsense. When people asked about alternatives, I handed out Ron Paul literature and let then read it. Those that did so were surprised that there was a reasonable, honest candidate they had never heard of. As the government and congress lurch from disaster to disaster, people are frustrated and angry. They ask 'Where is the middle ground. Who represents me." Who is stepping up to the plate,

Anonymous said...

Of course let us not forget the obama butt buddies, juan mclame & o'bomney, both of whom are all for the .gov seizure of healthcare.

Which illuminates just why the R's are so bent on interrupting obama's mistakes