Friday, November 15, 2013

‘Saddam Hussein’ and ‘Osama Bin Ladin’ oppose Ohio ‘Stand Your Ground’ bill

Well of course they do. And my father-in-law voted in at least eight elections after his death in West Memphis, Arkansas. Used to rise from the dead like Lazarus in clockwork fashion on election day, vote straight Democrat, and then laid his body back down until the next election. Arkansas, you may recall, is where ACORN got its start.


Anonymous said...

These petitions are essentially worthless unless each name can be verified and confirmed with proof of identity.

I think it's safe to assume that at least two names on the list are suspect.

Anonymous said...

In jurisdictions where it is illegal to stand your ground then it must be legal to enter anyone's home at any time without permission. In other words, there would be no such thing as unlawful entry or breaking and entering an occupied dwelling. Or, if you're attacked outside your home, I guess you would just have to remain peaceful and take whatever mayhem your attacker had in mind, including your own death. But, liberals aren't smart enough to discern the truth of that. It has been said that liberals are mentally ill. I agree with that.

- Old Greybeard

Anonymous said...

Stand your ground laws at the state level were all crafted pre Heller and McDonald. Any gun owner who does not bring the codified precedent to bear in their own defense is asinine. Can you say Zimmerman? You have the RIGHT to defend yourself - you are not compelled to cite a code statute that "allows" you to exercise that right.

Anonymous said...

If David or someone else is willing to transcribe the names into a more computer friendly text format, I'd be happy to write a script that will find all names with doubles (or more) and spits out the names with how many times they show up.