Friday, November 15, 2013

Praxis: The vertical rifle strip.

Sent to me by a current-serving serviceman with the comment, "This is why you wear a sling with your rifle." It also helps not to let the evil bad guy get that close, of course.


Anonymous said...

If you are dumb enough to get that close you deserve what you get.
Anyhow. Ive lived in countries where people are under civil war conditions. They just shoot you if they don't know who you are or are even slightly unsure.

Hefferman said...

If someone is trying to strip any firearm from you, just drop to the ground. Go flat on your back. Their hold on the weapon centers the weapon in their chest.

I hope you can figure out what to do then.

Anonymous said...

I did three years in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. I can tell you with confidence that you can find yourself very easily within bad breath distance when dealing with the locals. It is generally bad policy to shoot everyone you see. Hearts and minds and all. Weapons should be, at the very least, at the low ready position.

Take from that what you will.

Anonymous said...

@Anon, I don't have your experience, and because of that, in a SHTF situation, if someone keeps advancing on me after I ask them to stop ( which would be at about 20ft ), I'll shoot them. Probably "around the edges" (or not), but shooting someone in the leg with a .30 deer rifle is in the class of "very bad thing". Peace

Anonymous said...

@Anon 11:41,

You are assuming that you will be in a defensive position always and forever. In that case, a stand off area and a kill zone are appropriate. However, the mind does not have to wander far to think of certain scenario's that getting in that bad breath distance would be applicable. For example, Farmer John wants to negotiate a price on a bucket of wheat or Littel Jimmy knows where the bad guys are hiding. The point of the video was to illustrate that slings are a good thing. I personally am in favor of having a knife on your kit with the sole purpose of putting into someone's throat (left hand draw) in the event that someone takes a leap for the rifle.