Thursday, November 14, 2013

Praxis: Racking the slide.

You Can Rack A Slide. It’s Technique, not Strength.
Tip of the boonie hat to Keep and Bear Arms for the link.


Anonymous said...

Mike, another good resource is this video

My sister has never been able to rack the slide of anything bigger than a 380. I taught her this method last week and she was racking my dad's 9mm and my 45. Then she went to an IDPA match with me and with some teaching had her hitting a 50-yard steel silhouette with a 9 and a 45 she had never shot before (standing and shooting freehand). Now she knows she can shoot more than just a 22LR.

gunnyg said...

I learned at an NRA school to rack the slide using my weak hand (simulate an injury) and the heel of my shoe and the rear sight! It worked.