Monday, November 4, 2013

LAX survivor: 'I just prayed'--the only option available in 'gun free' zones

Ironically, the USA Today article is titled: "Police: LAX shooting could have been far worse" (presumably because the shooter had a scary semi-automatic rifle and 150 rounds of ammunition). Perhaps that's true--perhaps it could have been. It could also, though, have been far better had the shooter not had the luxury of waiting for police to finally arrive and shoot him four times--had the real "first responders" not been stripped of the option of a response somewhat more direct than prayer. The intent here is not to mock the power of prayer to accomplish great things, but to illustrate the evil of those who would require us to seek divine assistance as our only chance of survival.


BuckRedstone said...

We've seen videos of Syrian rebels using the failed shooting tactic spray and pray numerous times in their war but now Americans in so called gun free zones who are in the line of fire have only one alternative, lay and pray. Maybe there'll be a day when we can protect ourselves and our loved ones anywhere in the home of the free and the land of the brave!

AJ said...

It wasn't an AR, it was a Mini-14.

Parasquid said...

What scares me the most is all the people running away. What happened to the people that are not afraid to confront back? I know it is a gun, but at some point, the shooter has his back to some. Too easy to grapple and take down these wanna be killers. Welcome to the "pussyfication" of America.

Anonymous said...

Kindly seal your pie hole and cease badmouthing the people at LAX. Only a total idiot berates someone else for how they acted/reacted in a situation IN WHICH THEY HAVE NEVER FOUND THEMSELVES!!!! Unless you have found yourself in a given situation, you truly have NO FREAKING IDEA how you would react. You know how you HOPE you would react. You know how you WOULD PREFER to react when the fecal material impacts the wind machine. But until you are in a given situation, you do not AND CAN NOT know how you would react.

Anonymous said...

Badcyborg, ummm I've had a gun stuck right to my skull....and I chose to fight BECAUSE if I am to meet my maker in just such a situation, then it will not be as a result of just cowering in fear until the trigger is pulled.

I hear what you are saying and there is some merit in it, but you gotta understand, there are people like me (never military and not LEI) who HAVE been in just those kinds of situations and DID actually confront the threat.

Is it ok with you if I call out the rampant pussification of this country? Do I have standing , enough standing, to say so? Am I allowed, by you, to ask the same questions asked above? Am I qualified enough or will you move the goal posts now?

Note homie, Todd Beamer never before faced Islamic zealots hijacking an airplane - but he made the decision to fight back.

We DO need to put an end to the pussification of this country. We start by calling the pussies the pussies that they ARE! Truth might hurt sometimes, but then, that pain doesn't change the truth itself and trying to spin away the pain doesn't either.

While a patriot may retreat in order to regroup as a matter of tactical advantage seeking, pussies climb over children trying to save their own pussified skins.

I know this much, I'd rather die taking a bullet standing in front of a child than live the rest of my life knowing a child got shot because they were behind me trying to run out the door. Et tu?