Friday, November 1, 2013

Just when you think the collectivist lie machine can't get any more outrageous.

"Racism In White Americans Linked To Gun Ownership And Gun Control Opposition."


Anonymous said...

"This is the conclusion upon which I base my facts..."

Dressed-up propaganda, including the bit about "38,000 gun related deaths"; conveniently leaving out that 3/4's of that number are suicides -- who, absent firearms, always find another way to do the job.


Sean said...

Just like ObongoCare is linked to good health, lower costs of health care, and no disruptions in peoples doctors and health plans. C'mon, who you gonna believe, me,Obongo, or your lyin' eyes?

Anonymous said...

The idiots who write this dribble must think they have more than one life. I occasionally encounter someone who says he is afraid to have a gun in his home and won't carry one. I ask him "How many lives do you have?". He will stammer and maybe say "Only one, of course". Then you think the life of a criminal who would kill or harm you is worth more than your own life. They rarely have a response to that.

- Old Greybeard

rexxhead said...

blah blah blah blah....

Psycho-babble. Not a single testable hypothesis as far as the eye can see.

Uncle Al said...

I never got much farther than this first paragraph because I was laughing so hard:
A new study of symbolic racism among white American voters yielded strong links between latent biases toward blacks and increased favor of gun ownership and oppositions toward gun control.

I think what he meant to write was ...strong links between latent biases against blacks and increased favor of gun ownership...

Anonymous said...

MANY problems with the referenced "study":
- Correlation is not causation.
- "Symbolic racism" is more subtle, we are told. Sort of like glass ceilings and clothing for emperors? I call BS.
- It is not racism to ascribe to facts concerning race and violent crime.
- Do any other colors of the rainbow harbor racist attitudes? Or is this only a white thing?

Anonymous said...

"Symbolic" racism (whatever that means), whites, guns, . . . . .
I wonder how Mr Elite Herr Doktor would interpret this little statement from Our Dear Leader, about bitter clingers, guns, and Bibles?

Oh, and speaking of Herr Doktor's little study, "Published in the journal PLoS One" let's correct that to what it REALLY is, "Published in the journal PoS One."
There, fixed it for you.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

Interesting, since modern gun control has its roots in keeping firearms out of the hands of freed black slaves post 1865...

I'm a white, heterosexual, Christian gun-owner, and I don't care if you're a 300 pound African American living in the ghetto, a gay Asian Midget living in Chinatown, a 4-foot-nothin' Filipina in Manila, a Mexican who doesn't speak a word of English, or any other race or ethnicity in between.

If you are on the side of civilized society, and a productive member of society, then you have the right to self-defense, and therefore have the right to purchase, possess in your home, and carry on your person the best tools for self-defense available: A Rifle and/or a Handgun.

'Nuff Said.

(The above applies to a perfect world, which we sadly don't live in...)

Anonymous said...

I like how they reference Jim Crow laws as part of symbolic racism, yet the actual Jim Crow laws - that still exist in states like NC - expressly banned blacks from owning guns. The pistol permit requirement still on the books in North Carolina was a Jim Crow law meant to stop blacks from being able to defend themselves!

The point about welfare being "good" for blacks is hilarious, too. I am friends with a middle aged black man who says the welfare state achieved beyond the wildest dreams of the Kkk in destroying black culture. As Walter Williams has written, blacks actually had a higher marriage rate prior to the lbj great society being implemented - and we can all see the results.

The drug war, welfare, and govt schools are all racist bc of the end result, yet these are all things supported by most on the left today. Besides, the same people behind this racism claim wouldn't dare point out the actual racism of Obama blowing away brown children on a daily basis in the Mid East who have nothing to do with terrorism. Obama and his drone war is the ultimate example of racial profiling, yet leftists love it and embrace it

Anonymous said...

Did you know that Rock 'n Roll music causes teen aged pregnancies? It must be true because I saw some study on the internet.