Thursday, November 7, 2013

Firing of Guns & Ammo editor highlights inconsistent gun owner reactions

Despite Joaquin Jackson’s badmouthing of semiautos and endorsement of magazine capacity bans, he remains an NRA director stumped for by the Nominating Committee -- and rather than admit he was wrong and apologize, he and the Association instead came out with an implausible (and some believe ghost-written) statement to address “misunderstandings” that still ended up disparaging the Second Amendment.


MrGarabaldi said...

I have run across it in the shooting community, there are those that believe since they shoot black powder or some other specialized discipline, they would be exempt from any gun control effort because of what they shoot and that it isn't a threat. THey are basically "elitist" They hope that they will be left alone when all the others get banned. THose people don't realize that their favorite muzzle loader will also be on the gun sights of the anti's once all the others are gone. It is about people control...Not gun control.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty at the NRA who should be held to account for Negotiatimg Rights Away. From the funding of Harry Ried to the hunting meme, from background checks to the support for select fire being basically banned, the folks at the NRA should be shaking in their boots - awaiting a guns and ammo backlash.

No. Careers shouldn't be resurrected. Other folks who DO get it RIGHT should be folded into the mix and PAID their due! I can think of a couple of them off the top of my head....

SWIFT said...

No quarter! You are either pro-gun, or anti-second amendment. There is no middle ground or third way. Compromise is surrender!

skybill said...

Hi Mike,
'What "SWIFT" said. Short, sweet and to the point!! The Constitution and Bill of Rights say it, I believe it, that settles it! Nuf' said.


Anonymous said...

I have found a that "collectors" tend to be old, rich, guys that love "gun control" because it acts as a price support for the value of their "collection"--as one "gun collector" told me the other day " The more guns like this on the market the less this one will be worth" ---Its the same thing you see in all other aspects of modern America; "ME" is more important than "Thee"---Ray

Anonymous said...

Hey Ray,
I know many collectors and it is obvious that you don't know anything about collectors. Most collectors aren't in it for the money or the appreciation in value. They're in it out of a love for the 2nd Amendment and an admiration of the "beauty" and history of guns and the gun maker's technology and art.

- Old Greybeard

Anonymous said...

Old Greybeard...

How many "collectors" of NFATCA do you know?

Just wondering....since their members openly talk about the fact that NFA rules and guidelines have helped turn their "collections" into much more profitable "investments" due to rulings like FOPA of 86.

What's an AR15 sear go for nowadays? About $18K?