Saturday, November 16, 2013

Even Mrs. Gump would be speechless. And what Winston Churchill would say can only be imagined.

The man obviously did not have the benefit of Marine Corps wisdom either. Swallow that sip of coffee and put down your cup before you click this link.
Coming soon, Josh Horwitz's new venture -- the Coalition to Ban Toaster Violence. Only the government should have a monopoly on deadly toaster violence. It's for the children, you know, the ones the victims will never have.
"This is my rifle. This is my gun. This is for killing. This is for fun."


Sean said...

I led my BCT platoon around the barracks to that tune, oh, mebbe fifty times or so. Then I saw the movie. Whatever... some recruits I overheard were relating stories of giving chickens, and other barnyard inhabitants the "toaster" treatment...... But ya know.... give an idiot enough free time and you get this kind of thing. One of the articles at Linkiest had pictures of things taken out of a penis, not long ago. It all derives from not having enough to productively do, and profit from. Here endeth the lesson.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the spew alert. That was too too funny. One SERIOUSLY has to wonder at the level of intelligence of a person who would do such a thing. And if said intelligence (or lack thereof) was due to genetics or upbringing? Nature or nurture?

B Woodman

Peter said...

Ah, the difference between 'hot' and 'hawt'.

Talk about two countries separated by a common language, eh?

Anonymous said...

You know... At some point we need to take a step back back and say: "No. We're just gonna let nature take its course with this one here." And then just walk away.

AJ said...

One can only conclude that humanity is devolving.

Anonymous said...

I learned that old saw at Marine OCS back in '71. We learned it somewhat differently, however. In the version I learned the body part Gunny Ermey and the two boots are holding was for "f**king" while the M-14 we were issued was for fun.

If I live to be 110, I do not believe I will ever cease to be amazed at the weird, creative and downright SCARY places some guys dream up to stick their Johnsons. One can only hope the toaster was plugged in and the idiot's wiener was thoroughly roasted by the time he figured out how to unplug it.

Ed said...

That man was confused. He must of though he had one of these: