Friday, November 15, 2013

And the prize for "Insurrectionist of the Month" goes to . . . (Envelope please) . . .

Drumroll . . .
Kurt Hofmann and Oleg Volk, jointly, for making the government-monopoly-of-violence advocates at CSGV wet their britches over on Facebook over Kurt's TSA pervert post yesterday and the accompanying Oleg Volk illustration seen below.
Kurt writes:
I don't know if you can see Facebook posts without having an account, but I seem to have really upset El Guapo and company with yesterday's article, and specifically, this great Oleg Volk photo. They're so darned cute when they stomp their little hooves!


Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

I will cherish this forever. Thank you.

AJ said...

A commenter posted: "Someday we will get all of the laws we need to keep our families safe."
The stupidity of that one gave me a headache.

Jeffrey Quick said...

I just had some fun trolling over there. At least they're consistent: they think the 1st Amendment is just as worth violating as the 2nd.

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Just saw your comments, Jeffrey--and good thing, too, because they'll almost certainly be flushed down the memory hole as soon as CSGV notices them.

I like the idiot who is upset about "another white male who thinks about his own rights after so many have died."

Because we all know, after all, that white males should give up their rights after a certain (unspecified) number of people have died.

johnny gee said...

Hey- Rush Limbaugh quoted Oleg Volk on his show yesterday(Friday)I almost spit my soda on the dashboard!