Saturday, November 2, 2013

A discussion of the shelf life of COINTELPRO-type provocateurs.

Pete Langan, co-leader of the Aryan Republican Army bank robbery and terror cell. The Secret Service sprung him from jail to "find" his pal "Wild Bill" Guthrie, supposedly because Guthrie had made threats against former president G.H.W. Bush. Once reunited they formed the ARA and began robbing banks and, oh by the way, were involved in the Oklahoma City bombing. (When I was part of the private investigation of the OKC bombing I interviewed Langan in jail in Ohio when he was awaiting trial. He also corresponded with my friend the late J.D. Cash.)
Friend of Christian Kerodin J.C. Dodge is still fighting the difficult fight on behalf of the Anti-"Defamation" Society of the Commercial Three Percent in a series of responses and rejoinders to this post. A recent exchange touches upon the shelf life of COINTELPRO-type provocateurs, so it is worth giving it a more prominent place.
Beginning this exchange was one "wirecutter" who wrote:
Kerodin doesn't own any firearms. Kerodin doesn't produce any firearms, that would be Jim Miller of III Arms. Do your homework before running your mouth. But a question does beg to be answered: How does an admitted (ex) member of the communist party own a firearm? Are they not prohibited? Last time I purchased a firearm that question was specifically asked of me on the form that I had to fill out, yet your idol who is a self admitted (ex?) member owns firearms.
To which I replied:
Talk about doing your homework. You must never have filled out a 4473, or if you did, you imagined the question you claim to have seen. There is no political test, only that you have never been a felon, wife-beater, etc. I am none of those.
Mr. Miller, I am told, is actually a full-time employee of the VA in Martinsburg WV, whose complex sits next to the ATF complex at the same place. He is said to be in IT with access to the entire VA database. Of course I haven't had the time or the inclination to confirm that, but you can file it under "reliable sources say."
It is also said that Kerodin sought him out in order to build firearms. One wonders what the legality of contracting with a known felon to build firearms is.
But no, there is no political test for owning a firearm, at least there won't be until Kerodin and his neo-collectivist ilk take over the world.
Then it's the rope for me and scraps at the foot of Lord of the Citadel Kerodin's table for you.
I then added:
I wrote: "It is also said that Kerodin sought him out in order to build firearms. One wonders what the legality of contracting with a known felon to build firearms is."
One also wonders why the ATF seems totally uninterested in that fact.
J.C. then opines:
You said "Mr. Miller, I am told, is actually a full-time employee of the VA in Martinsburg WV, whose complex sits next to the ATF complex at the same place. He is said to be in IT with access to the entire VA database. Of course I haven't had the time or the inclination to confirm that, but you can file it under "reliable sources say." So you just admitted you'll print something you haven't verified, why, because it will make Kerodin look bad? Why would you put Jim's personal info out there? That's stepping over a very big line, especially when, as you've said, you haven't confirmed it. Imagine that, a federal facility is next to another federal facility on federal ground, go figure. And what does having access to the VA database have to do with the ATF? Oh, that's right, you wouldn't know, because you haven't verified it. You had better confine your "badmouthing" to Kerodin, someone you've got a history of problems with, leave Jim Miller out of it.
To which I responded:
Now, now. Mr. Miller is the FFL holder of record for III Arms and has made threats of his own to folks he disagrees with. The question is a reasonable one. Kerodin went shopping for an FFL SOT and found one. Miller agreed to do business with an ex-con and his not-so-spotless wife. This does raise legitimate questions. Of course, Mr. Miller is welcome to correct the record if he likes and tell what, if anything, is inaccurate about it. I will certainly print it. In fact, he is welcome to sue me if he likes. And it DOES come from a previously reliable source, so Sullivan vs. New York Times applies.
To which the indefatigable Dodge replied:
If you notice, my primary issue was with you putting out his personal info. Your conjecture that he's a fed because he works next to the ATF building is weak at best. That's like me sayin' your still a communist, because you used to be, possible yes, but doubtful.
The ARA not-so-safe "safe house" on the short south side of Columbus OH. The FBI ambushed Pete Langan in the alley behind this house firing hundreds of shots. When they discovered to their surprise that he was still alive, they dragged him from the riddled van and were about to execute him when they noticed neighbors on the rear balconies across the alleyway watching them. I know this because I interviewed some of the residents.  He remains alive in federal prison today only because he had the foresight to prepare a "Open in the event of my death" file.
My reply, and the larger point of this post:
The "conjecture" about ATF is not "because he works next to the ATF building" but rather because they are supremely uninterested in enforcing their laws when it comes to the connection between an FFL SOT and a convicted felon who makes violent threats of inter-state mayhem against any who disagree with him. Any COINTELPRO-type program would not be run by ATF, however, but rather by DHS and the FBI. The ATF would not be trusted to run such an operation, only with certain less-important and compartmentalized portions of it, much like Fast & Furious. There, the ATF was only given the less important tasks to 1. Make sure the dealers sold to the straw-buyers and kept diligent records of the sales and 2. Collect the statistics of which dead bodies in Mexico showed matching those serial numbers when the Mexican police entered them into the E-Trace system.
The really serious portion of the conspiracy was entrusted to the FBI and their paid informants the Miramontes brothers, who paid the straw buyers, picked up the weapons and smuggled them to the cartels. That is why Dodson and the other Group 7 agents were forbidden to follow the weapons. That would have led them to the FBI's operatives. Of course no one's seen or heard of the Miramontes brothers in a while and the speculation is that they were kacked, whether by the cartels or the FBI is the subject of serious side bets that may never be collected.
That's what happens, however, when you're a COINTELPRO type stooge. The Fibbies will either violate you on some unrelated charge and throw you back incommunicado in the durance vile that they found you -- see the case of Pete Langan of the Aryan Republican Army and the OKC bombing -- or they will kill you. They first tried the latter with Langan in front of too many witnesses and failed so he is now in federal prison so deep that not even 60 Minutes can get to see him. His fellow leader of the ARA, "Wild Bill" Guthrie, ended up at the end of a dirty bedsheet in jail in Covington KY shortly after telling an LA Times reporter that he "knew some serious shit" about the OKC bombing. (NOTE: Wild Bill did not have an "Open in the event of my death" folder.)
This is general principle with the FBI in these high-risk political operations: if a provocateur cannot be reliably controlled then they will kill him themselves or have him killed.
Food for thought in some quarters, eh?

The wages of a COINTELPRO type operation gone south.  "Will Bill" Guthrie.  He died in a jail cell of FBI-induced "suicide." 


Anonymous said...

It makes me wonder WHY Mr's. Dodge ,Miller Et.ALL. are so hell bent on not only overlooking Mr. "Kerodin's" past, but aggressively working to help cover up crimes being committed by Mr. "Kerodin" and his "wife" now. Anyone remember "Donny Brasco"?

Mitchel Rapp said...

I really don't understand why you bother to suffer this jackass, Mike. I'm sure the alphabet agencies have plenty of undercover informants. Just screen your friends carefully and don't suffer fools so much, Buddy!

SWIFT said...

As a side issue to this post, I fail to understand how the FBI maintains it's image of decent, hardworking, investigators among the public at large. An elementary review of their history, demonstrates very clearly that they are mass murdering arsonists, bombers, extortionists and general low life scum. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. As I've mentioned before, I confront former Senator Arlen Specter about my feelings that COINTELPRO was being continued. He looked me right in the face and claimed he'd never heard of COINTELPRO. Did he lie? I can't answer. But, if HE didn't know, why would I except the public to know.

oughtsix said...

I really hate to write this and, please, hear me out and try not to misunderstand.

Mike is the Architect, Founder and Patriarch of the III concept and movement, but, Mike, you are so very unfortunately in poor health. You have given decades of struggle to the cause of Liberty. At some point, you will be unable to carry on and that will be a very great loss to us all.

K is the upstart usurper and is either a self aggrandizing, unscrupulous fool or is playing for the other side, not that the two are mutually exclusive.

He is, by his own words, salivating at the thought of Mike's passing and wishing him nothing but pain and suffering. And don't bother, K-lovers, trying to dispute this... the screen shots have been saved and many people have read them.

He is positioning himself to take over "leadership" of the Liberty movement and doing everything he can to tarnish Mike's contributions and reputation.

This will be a severe blow to Liberty, and will set back whatever progress has been made in any event. Confusion and distrust will be rampant and trust, coherence and right action very much in doubt.

My question is this:

Who will stand in Mike's place?

Who will shine the light of truth on those who would despoil our cause for personal gain?

How do we prevent the degradation of our efforts from "within?"

It's on us, each of us.

Thanks, Mike. I will continue to pray for better health and relief of suffering for you, and protection from your enemies, with deep gratitude.


bubba said...

There is too much wickedness in the world. It’s bad enough that our elected politicians and our own government is wicked and acts against the good people of our country; we must not be wicked ourselves. Too many people believe that to be strong they must be fierce but they confuse fierceness with being wicked.

Anonymous said...

If for some reason this site was no longer up, it would be a very hard blow. God bless and keep Mike. I hope he is leading the fight for a long time to come.

skybill said...

Hi Mikw,
What "oughtsix" said!! I concur!

Anonymous said...

This whole episode of whose on first is nauseating.
Get over it. Move on. We have larger battles to fight here guys.

wirecutter said...

Hey Mike, you can say what you want but the simple fact is that you betrayed your Nation. That alone makes you scum. Nothing that you do can atone for that. Nothing.
And then after reading CA's post over at WRSA, you accepted handouts in the form of computers, cell phones, cash, etc.
What kind of a self respecting man does that? Don't you believe in working for your possessions? Oh wait, it's that socialist thing again - let others provide for you.
Fuck you.
-Kenny Lane
Ceres, CA.
(in case you want to command some of your mindless fucking disciples to heave a rock though my window.)

Anonymous said...

Miss Kenny Lane the drama queen, so people don't change their belief systems? American gratuity is also a Christian virtue and you call it Socialist? y-a-w-n

You're wasting space here peddling your silly contrite trivial nonsense.

wirecutter said...

Anonymous: At least I had the balls to publish my name, you fucking coward. Wait, I see a lot of that here.

wirecutter said...

I do find it ironic that the man that commanded his disciples to throw rocks through windows is offended when somebody through something through HIS window.

Steve Ramsey said...

Kiwi Brown, spitshine please Mr Lane.
Hold the pornography.

Speaking of CA, Ask him about how he alters comments, inserting his words to make them appear to be mine. He can do my other pair of boots, to the same standard.

Anonymous said...

Does carrying all that water for K ever get heavy, Kenny? I caught that declaration of love at I got a bit misty eyed, I will have to admit. Before you go flying off the handle like a true K acolyte, I will have you know that I have always supported civil unions for your kind.

Since you hang with that crowd, would you mind asking Mayor McCheese of the Citadel Imaginaryland if I send him something extra, would he make me Ambassador to Narnia? I always wanted to meet Mr. Tumnus.

Anonymous said...


After seeing the yoeman work Steve has done here and over at WRSA, I would say you are not fit to shine Steve's shoes but I will take some cordoba.

Your comment at 11:25 sounds a bit like an admission of guilt to me. Where were you and the other muppets that night, huh? I see the humor is entirely lost on you that Kerodin is selling a noose to rubes with the III (C) brand. As in, he is selling you and the III (C) movement the noose from which they will hang themselves.

And seriously, man. Mike left the commie movement back in the 70's. Lead pipe meets dead horse. Last I checked K never stopped being an extortionist. That one trick poney never stops amusing you K-suckers, does it?

ExPat Matt

BTW, Tough guy, what the fuck are you going to do with my real name?

Unknown said...

ANON said "It makes me wonder WHY Mr's. Dodge ,Miller Et.ALL. are so hell bent on not only overlooking Mr. "Kerodin's" past, but aggressively working to help cover up crimes being committed by Mr. "Kerodin" and his "wife" now." So ANON, What crimes are being "covered up" by myself or Mr. Miller? Please, do tell. So let me get this right. One would be considered a CoIntelPro type provocateur/stooge if you 1) Call out the blog master as a hypocrite. 2) Don't necessarily believe the official fed story about someone's arrest/conviction (the feds would never set anyone up, would they?). 3) Advise said blog master that he should confine his negative statements to the one he hates, not one who promotes something the hated one presented, especially when we know that guy is an ardent patriot. 4) Advise the blog master that putting out someone's personal info is a no no. Did I miss anything MV? Please show your specific reason for the allegation. I know you don't have anything specific, and statements like the first from ANON, just show a lack of intelligence, by throwing around an accusation like that. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't post my real name if I was a fed, or one of their stooges. I don't feel the need to hide behind an alias when I respond to a post like most of your posters. BTW, I overlook Kerodin's past, just like I overlooked yours, and when we met and chatted at the NRA convention in 2011, I never would have thought you would let someone rent out so much space in your head. Get a grip man, time is to short for this crap.