Sunday, July 14, 2013

So far, less of a reaction than I feared.

"Protesters angered by the acquittal of George Zimmerman demonstrated in four California cities, breaking windows and starting small fires in Oakland, police said."
The Oakland police dispatch office said about 100 people protested, with some in the crowd breaking windows on businesses and starting small fires in the streets. As the protest wound down with the crowd dispersing, the office said that as of 2 a.m. PDT it had no word of any arrests.
Local media reports said some Oakland marchers vandalized a police squad car and police formed a line to block the protesters' path.
The Oakland Tribune said some windows on the newspaper's downtown offices were broken, and footage from a television helicopter show people attempting to start fires in the street and spray painting anti-police graffiti.
Protesters also reportedly burned an American and a California state flag and spray painted Alameda County's Davidson courthouse.
At first blush, this is less of a reaction than I feared. We'll see if we get through the weekend without an escalation.


"Son of Sam" Adams said...

Oakland Tribune? It looks like they showed some discrimination in targeting.If they just wanted to pick on the media, I wouldn't get too upset.

Scott J said...

I won't scale back high alert for a week.

The hustlers will start speechifying early next week. Let's hope they're not successful in whipping up a frenzy.

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have happened to a more deserving city (Oakland, CA)and to a more deserving company (The Trib).
I do feel sorry for the other innocent businesses caught up in the path of these stupid (yet insipid)riotings.

B Woodman

Anonymous said...

I did not expect large turnouts. I do expect flash mob type activity. Four to six in a car looking for someone not paying attention.

xtron said...

i hope zimmerman's lawyers are in court bright and early monday morning filing a 250 million law suit against al sharpton, jessie jackson, the ACLU, the NAACP, and any other rac baiter that was involved in the slander and liable that this innocent man has been unfairly forced to endure.

Anonymous said...

Just savages acting like, well savages !

Anonymous said...

It's Oakland--that might just be normal Saturday night tomfoolery.


bitter clinging Texan said...

this might not be the most politically correct thing to say, but what the hell.........the reason there aren't any big riots is because black America is way softer, way richer, way more suburban, and way more affluent that it was back in the 90s......nowdays you got black dudes that listen to taylor swift and wear skinny jeans and mohawks......unlike in my day when thug culture and black culture were considered one in the same

Anonymous said...

Don't let your guard down yet. Temps in the northeast are going to be in the mid-90s all week. Whenever there's a heat wave, crime explodes in places like Philly, DC, and New York (not to mention Camden and Newark). Watch for the real riots to start around Tuesday when all the ghetto-dwellers are hot and bothered and looking for any excuse to cause trouble.