Tuesday, July 9, 2013

"Revolutionary Tribunals." Our collectivist courts.

Roland Freisler, Judge-President of the Nazi Volksgerichtshof -- The People's Court.
"(Zimmerman) has ended up a necessary sacrificial pawn to serve wider issues of social justice, or at least avoid civil violence."
The American court system is insidiously focusing on social transformation rather than individual justice. If Neanderthal reactionaries in California twice voted to reiterate that marriage is between a man and a woman, then leave it to judges and courts to find them bigoted and politically incorrect. In the present revolutionary environment, the degree of the Obama administration’s enforcement of federal laws concerning gay marriage, or illegal immigration, or the new health-care law has hinged on politics and perceptions about social justice — and the courts increasingly predicate their own decision-making on these same considerations. The street can brand a court either an esteemed ally or a reactionary enemy of the people, and so the courts make the necessary adjustments.


Sean said...

And when I tell people we live in a Tyranny, right now, the tell me I'm wrong or nuts. The courts are supposed to rule on the law. They rule now, and have for some time, ruled according to the wishes of the Obongo administration, and nothing else, least of all, the "law".

Anonymous said...

Treasonous political whores are as treasonous political whores do.

They are motived by career interests and of course many of them see nothing wrong with persecuting those they don't like and can use to enhance their stations in life.

Of course this means that they are actively engaged in transforming a system of rule of law to one of rule by men. They see absolutely nothing wrong with this and want it to be embraced by everyone. As long as they and their friends get to pick and choose.

That's why they hate the constitution and bill of rights because those documents dis-empower them, and it's why they've done their best to gut them.

Anonymous said...

And, until we the people start killing them, in other words dealing out unmistakeable consequences, nothing will change. This applies equally to "lawmakers" across the land too.

I really believe John Ross' book, "Unintended Consequences" provides the "solution" to our current problems in America.


Anonymous said...

We now know, thanks to a Judicial Watch FOIA, that the DOJ Civil Rights Divison - Community Relations Service (which is supposed to provide mediation) actually organized the demonstrations and rallies against George Zimmerman. Here's the link:

Sorry, that should have read the RACIST DOJ CRS.